Cliff via Upper Works 3/20

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Trail Conditions: Packed snow the entire way from Upper Works to Cliff summit, few icy parts could have used microspikes. Otherwise barebooted all the way to summit. Great for skiing. Flowed Lands and Lake Colden still frozen stiff, allowing one to cut a few miles off their trip. Few spots on eastern herd trail to summit could have used crampons, western herd path was a breeze on the return.

Equipment Required: Crampons - useful on ascent. Microspikes - useful on trail.

Comments: The herd trails on both sides of cliff are well defined and easy to follow. The constant melting-at-day, freezing-at-night is leaving large sheets of ice on the trail though. Snowshoes would only interfere with a good footing, crampons would be much more useful.
Oh, don't go over 25MPH on the Upper Works Road, water got under some sections and made some deep dips. Almost bottomed out doing 30 a few times.

Brandon Tuchovsky

[email protected]