Climbing Denali and Mt. Rainier presentation Oct. 27th

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Sep 4, 2003
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Bridgewater, N.H. Avatar: Mt. Hunter from 14,
Thursday Night at the Mountains returns, Thursday October 27, 2005. Doors open at 6:00 pm, the first show begins at 6:30 pm. Through the generosity of PSNH the presentations will be held at the PSNH "Five Rivers Auditorium" at Energy Park on North Commercial St in Manchester NH. Admission is free and open to the public.

Join us for an evening of mountaineering as YMCA Alpine Club members Dave Gottesfeld, Michael Harrington, Matt Lavey, Craig Trottier and Frank Gibbons, conduct a slide
presentation of their successful climb of the most high profile of the Cascade volcanoes, 14,410 ft Mt Rainier followed by YMCA Alpine Club member Don McAllister who will chronicle his successful Alaska Range ascent of 20,320 ft. Denali (Mt.McKinley), the highest peak in North America.

The climbers will be showcasing clothing and equipment used on the trips, will be available to answer questions and provide insight into these two sought after peaks as well
as discuss the many opportunities for hiking and mountaineering offered here in our own backyard through the YMCA Alpine Club.

If you've ever considered climbing these peaks, enjoy hiking or are just an armchair traveler don't miss an inspiring evening of mountain travel taking you from Washington to

For more information please contact Jerry Hapgood, YMCA Adventure Director 232-8617, [email protected]
For those needing directions, here's how to get there from 93.

Take exit #8 (Bridge St/Wellington Rd) and take Bridge St down the hill al the way to Elm St. From there take a left, go .1mi then take a right onto Spring St. Once on Spring, go .2mi and take a right onto Commercial St which becomes North Commerical. These are the directions Yahoo Maps gave me and they sound right. I hope to see a lot of folks there. Look for the guy with the red goatee and the faded blue "Life is Good" hat. I'll be hangin' out near the door until 5min. before showtime.

Hope you can make it!
Thanks for the alternate directions. As a resident though, I need to caution about taking 93 to 293 after work. The traffic is usually backed up there so, the direcctions I provided may be quicker. But, hike your own hike and drive your own drive.

Hope to see you there.
It was very informative and very interesting. You really got a sense of how realistic a goal it is to do some of these peaks is you just work hard and set your mind to it. Besides the physical conditioning, having the right state of mind for an endevour like this (especially Denali) is key. The pictures were amazing.

Hampshire did a great presentation and it was good to see some familiar faces and meet some new folks as well. VFTT was well represented!
We really enjoyed it. We had no idea that it was such a long effort to summit Denali. (16 days to summit - 21 day trip not including getting to/from Alaska)
Yes, definately informative.

Always great to hear from folks first hand on their adventures, you can feel their excitement and love of what they have accomplished along with seeing the gear used, check out the pictures, and get out for a midweek mountain night!!!

There were quite a large number of people that showed up too! :)
Hampshire - I was unable to attend and didn't realize this was a VFTT person doing this. You think I would I have put 2 and 2 together -

Anyway - congrats on denali - quite an amazing feat. Maybe someday I will get up there as well - it will always be a goal, but who knows.
I have been up Rainier - but Denali seems to be a whole another ball game.

by any chance did I run into your group on washington this past winter?? - I was solo one day and climbed the cone with a bunch of guys training for denali in 2005. I think one guy was a lawyer - who was actually training for everest.

I was training for rainier then and we had a great time swapping stories and I took some pix of these guys on the summit - wondering if it was you guys.

- pix were amazing.
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Certainly could have be us. I was definitely on Washington last winter. The last weekend of February we did a presidential traverse and one of the guys (a fireman) is headed to Everest this spring and Vinson in a couple of weeks. There was a German Discovery Channel group on the summit that day filming. If you have any question regarding Denali, I’d be happy to do my best to answer them. I was very fortunate to get a lot of good advice prior to my trip.

As Double Bow said "You really got a sense of how realistic a goal it is to do some of these peaks if you just work hard and set your mind to it."
I just discovered this thread... I was there too and didn't realize there was a contingency from VFTT there. Lemme guess... Hampshire - you must be Don? I tried to stick around and chat but someone else had your ear. Great presentation!