Columbia Endurasole (formerly Montrail) heat moldable inserts no more

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In Rembrance , July 2024
VFTT Supporter
Sep 3, 2003
Reaction score
Gorham NH
Someone on the board years ago put me onto the Montrail inserts to replace the stock inserts in my New Balances. They were heated in the oven and then inserted in the shoe and then stepped in to mold to the feet. They had rigid plastic heelcup and arch that was just enough to absorb some rock impact. Columbia bought them and when I went to buy a new pair recently found out they are discontinued. Amazon has few sizes left but not mine.

I am looking for, but have not found a close replacement.
I've been searching for a replacement as well. No luck so far. Have seen the same question pop up on reddit and I asked it over at adkhighpeaks, but crickets as far as recommendations. Kind of surprising because they did seem to have a pretty solid following.
I think I tracked down a pair of old stock out of canada. Columbia has some odd marketing rules so I had to jump through some hoops. If they show up in about a week, I will let you know where I got mine.
I have had various versions of Sole Heat Moldable Insoles for many years. Bought 4 sets when they changed the graphics for $25 each last year and still have 2 unused. They are firm, but provide great support. Completely solved my plantar fasciitis issues. From what I recall, they are very similar to the Montrail ones which I also used at some point.

I will add this advise from my post from 2009 regarding these:

I would recommend that if you use heat moldable insoles, do not fit them 1st thing in the morning. Wait until you have done a fair amount of walking, and then you should get a more accurate fit.

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I did pick up a pair of the Sole inserts for pair of Keen boots and I agree they work well.

The downside is the integrated lack of rigid heel/arch support the Columbias. As I use trail runners in my backyard (the whites), the rigid insert section spread the impact from landing on rocks at the center of the shoe somewhat while retaining the flexibility of a trail runner (even though I do not trail run).
I got a package this afternoon with a brand new pair of the Columbia Endurasoles from a company in Canada. For some reason Columbia was selling them for a bit longer in Canada. The wrinkle was that Canadian dealers could not ship to the US. I found a store in Canada and had it shipped to a reshipper who assigned an address to me in BC, once they received it, they resent it to me. The shipping cost more than the inserts. I probably should have bought a few spares ;) If someone really needs a pair, PM and I can forward a link to the firm I bought it from. No guarantees.