Colvin and Blake 3/6/09

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Feb 5, 2009
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Started out at 7:00 am with a few guys from PA looking to climb Dial, Nippletop, Colvin and Blake. Never saw them after the turn to Nippletop-- only the snow note "I'm bailing" at the junction to Colvin. So congrats on the 2 peaks.
Boots to the sign in, icers/katoolas up the road and up the trail to the cut off to Colvin--trail was hard-packed with no post-holing at all.
Snow shoes--love our heel risers--to the top of Colvin and over to Blake. Drizzle and warm temps made the snow quite sticky causing frequent build-up and extra exercise to knock it off every few steps. But not complaining. That sticky snow provided extra grip on many spots that had been a solid ice flow in our two previous winter hikes up this peak. :) Great glissades down Blake and a virtual luge run off Colvin. :cool: Trail down to the road had softened significantly since the morning and snow shoes were a must on the way down. Lost a lot of snow from the am to the pm with ground uncovered around trees in lower elevations.
Out to the car by 5:30. Slow and steady the whole day. Thanks to B for the easy pace. Excellent day in the mountains!
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