Colvin and Blake 6/3/09

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Beautiful day for a hike! Mid 60's, sunny and black flies were out, but not bad and only along the road back to the trailhead.
Trail was in great shape; mud in some spots but nothing excessive and no issues with runoff. Trail pretty moderate till the last approach up Colvin then had to do some scrambling. View from top of Colvin was super! The Great range , Marcy, Giant, Nippletop, all easilly viewable and impressive. From Colvin to Blake, down and up the col, was not pleasant by any means and no view is available from what I saw on the top of Blake, so I would only recommend to those needed it for credit. Overall was just under 15 miles from parking to Blake and back. Ran into one guy doing the same trek, and a couple who were returning from Nippletop on the road, so pretty quiet hike.
