Colvin and Blake 8/18/09

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Trail Conditions: Lake road to Colvin trail is still flat. I went up the second left junction to get on the Gill Brook trail. Trail has a moderate amount of mud on it, nothing deep until you get close to the summit of Colvin. Even after 4 days of hot weather, the mud was at least 8" deep. No blowdown or anything on the trail from this summer's weather. Same goes from Blake to Colvin, random patches of mud. Most of the steep rock climbs to Blake were slick with water, making for an interesting ascent. One spot I was ready to jump into the forest just for more traction.

Special Equipment: A bug net, unless you like eating flies.

Comments: The humidity was pretty high, which might explain the bugs, mud, and wet rocks. Still, this was the only time to really enjoy a hike all summer.
