Completing the NH/NE 4k lists - separately or together?

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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2004
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Boxford, MA. Avatar: I heart South Twin
Hi - I am closing in on completing the NH 4000 footers (4 to go) and the New England 4000 footers (12 to go). As it appears very likely that I will complete both lists next year, I was hoping to get your thoughts on whether I should go ahead and finish NH earlier, or save a final peak (Carrigain probably) to complete both NE and NH.

I am not certain which peak would be my last if I finish the NE 67 separately. My guess is that it would be in Vermont - probably Mansfield or Camel's Hump.

Appreciate your opinions on this. Many thanks, Marty
I think it's just a personal preference type of thing... me, I'm way to impatient to wait and finish both lists at the same time. I've seen it done both ways though.

Things to consider are: if you have some friends or family that aren't that into hiking who want to be there. Carrigain is a long hike and tough for someone who isn't hiking regularly. Camel's Hump is pretty easy so others that don't hike as often can join you.

I liked that I finished the two lists separately because I had two different experiences. Finishing the 48 on Carrigain, I had a great group of friends with me that made the day so much fun. I finished the 67 alone on North Brother, which gave me more of a chance to reflect. Both were good ways to finish and I wouldn't trade them for the world. :)

- Ivy
I finished my 48 with a big group, and my 67 with a tiny group. Both were very different hikes and even different people, and I was very happy to have had both experiences.

Plus, if the weather's bad for one finish you've always got the other one.
You didn't just happen to knock off Isolation, did you? :cool:

If you finish the NH list first, then the NE list, you get two summit celebrations. That pretty much answers it for me.

marty said:
Hi - I am closing in on completing the NH 4000 footers (4 to go) and the New England 4000 footers (12 to go). As it appears very likely that I will complete both lists next year, I was hoping to get your thoughts on whether I should go ahead and finish NH earlier, or save a final peak (Carrigain probably) to complete both NE and NH....Many thanks, Marty
I decided that I will finish the NH4Ks, the NE4Ks, the NEHH and the NEFF all at the same tome, on Carrigain (soon, watch this space). I thought it would be cool. But that's just me.
Two celebrations are more fun!

I loved having two celebrations. I actually had such a large group on Sandwich Mountain that we filled the whole summit! My last NH 4 was on Wildcat with a small group, including my husband, who hiked up. It worked out well, because he could take the gondola down!

Go for two!! :D :D
Oops! I was thinking of the NE 100 Highest!

Last mountain for the NE 4's was Sugarloaf, and we made a whole weekend out of it, staying up between Sugarloaf Mountain and Kingfield at a funky motel with friends. We got there on Friday night in time for some dancin' with the "locals"! The next morning after a huge breakfast eight or ten of us set off. The owner of the motel gave us an American flag to place at the top of Sugarloaf.

We spotted two cars and went over Spaulding on our way to Sugarloaf. My hubby went on ahead, and was eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich at the side trail off the AT going to the top of SLoaf. A mama bear came along - no babies - probably didn't smell the sandwich and took off, crashing through the trees!! Then, we all had a grand lunch and party on the top of SLoaf.

Stayed one more night and headed home stopping to see friends in Farmington!!

Did Sandwich while at AMC Fall Hiking Week, and that was the large group of 20 or so friends. Back at the Mill House Inn in Lincoln, NH, hubby had ordered a big sheet cake with mountains on it, and we danced the night away again!!

Go for as many celebrations as you can manage! :D :D :D
I finished the NE before NH, but then I'm not big on celerbrations, unless I'm recieving presents.

Note to group:

Just in case it comes up, I prefer TOOLS!!!!!!!
marty said:
I was hoping to get your thoughts on whether I should go ahead and finish NH earlier, or save a final peak (Carrigain probably) to complete both NE and NH.
why not wait - there are still 48 4000 footers left after new england - save one in new hampshire and you can finish new hampshire 48, new england 67 and northeast 115 all on the same mountain...
As people have said, it depends on whether you want more smaller celebrations or fewer bigger ones.

Papa Bear said:
I decided that I will finish the NH4Ks, the NE4Ks, the NEHH and the NEFF all at the same tome, on Carrigain (soon, watch this space). I thought it would be cool. But that's just me.

It's rarely that I can top the legendary Papa Bear, but I finished the ME4K, NE4K, NE100, NE200, NE300, NE400, NE3K, NE500, ME100, and ME3K together on Avery Peak.
RoySwkr said:
As people have said, it depends on whether you want more smaller celebrations or fewer bigger ones.

It's rarely that I can top the legendary Papa Bear, but I finished the ME4K, NE4K, NE100, NE200, NE300, NE400, NE3K, NE500, ME100, and ME3K together on Avery Peak.
git 'er done roy!!!!!!!!
you da man!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D
RoySwkr said:
It's rarely that I can top the legendary Papa Bear, but I finished the ME4K, NE4K, NE100, NE200, NE300, NE400, NE3K, NE500, ME100, and ME3K together on Avery Peak.
I hope someone carried up a case of champagne for that celebration. :eek:

RoySwkr said:
I finished the ME4K, NE4K, NE100, NE200, NE300, NE400, NE3K, NE500, ME100, and ME3K together on Avery Peak.

What? No Northeast 115? Sheesh ... slacker.

:)eek: don't hurt me!)
Thank you

Thank you all for your insightful perspectives. There were a few that I hadn't yet considered. I am now leaning toward completing the lists separately, as first and foremost, there is the opportunity for two celebrations. In addition, if the weather's bad for one finish, I always have the other one, as Michael J astutely points out.

Why not three celebrations?

You can celebrate finishing the VT, NH and ME portions of the list as well as the NE list as a whole. Then the NE and NHHH lists brings the total to 5, especially if you celebrate with custom labeled "Double Bow" Long Trail, unless you finish on Washington, where you need to drink Tukerman(man, I am too into New England Beer!), any excuse to drink on the mountain.

I am actually in a slightly similiar situation, I have none done in ME, but 42/48 in NH, and 3/5 in VT, mainly due to living in NH, and my aunt having a second home in VT(its actually closer to the whites than my place on the seacoast, go figure)

My goal is that I want to finish VT and NH next summer, ME-if it happens, it happens(I am more into my goals than the technical lists, plus the aforementioned travel time issue brings me to the Whites and Greens more often)

I have my final peaks picked for each-VT: Mansfield, and NH: Moriah, Middle Carter, S. Carter(repeat), Carter Dome, Wildcat A, E; N-S traverse, ending Pinkham where it all began 15 years earlier(Mt Washington via Lion Head-Tuckerman)

Right now its a matter of if I do NH or VT first. I am almost definately ending NH the Friday-Saturday-Sunday after next year's family reunion, possibly doing Mansfield earlier that same week, or maybe some other random day.

Of course when/if I finish the ME peaks, don't know what to end on, I want to get to Katahdin too much to end there, and besides, too many other people end their NE list there anyway, although my last VT will likely be a common state-ender(but with a 1/5 chance, what do you want).
Marty: finish Carrigain in winter! Camel's Hump would definitely be a sweet spot to finish the NE67. That's where I first took a serious look over the pond at those other high peaks. Seems an appropriate jump off spot.

bogorchis: I had a very similar finish on Sandwich: 20 people or my NE100. That is one nice peak!
If you did the NE 115 at the same time you'd have to be a 46'er or NH 48 first

I put in for my NE65 at the same time as NH48 on Moriah. Camel's Hump would be my choice if VT was going to be last but I really like Mansfield too, some find the ski slopes & towers on the ridge not to their liking though.

Had Mom & my wife on Moriah, this year I went back & did Redington to finish the NE67 (had Spaulding) as I'm over or at 1/2 or the ADK's so I'll be a ADK46'er & a NE115 member on the same day, someday....
Mike P. said:
If you did the NE 115 at the same time you'd have to be a 46'er or NH 48 first
almost... but not just a 46er - you have to finish 48 in new york, then go back to new england for the grand finale (n.h.48/n.eng67/n.east115)...