Conditions to Mount Hale?

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Feb 27, 2004
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The last Trail Conditions report I saw was on 2/17. Does anyone know the current trail conditions for Hale? I drove by Zealand Road the other day and it is still in logging operation mode. I did a tiny snowshoe trip in Colebrook, and WITH the snowshoes, it was still almost to my wiast! :eek:
Needless to say the going was tough, the coming back was decidedly easier! ;)
Just curious, thanks in advance!
Hi Christine!!

We went by the trail on Saturday on the way out from Z Hut and it wasn't broken (Lend a Hand either)
However, there were 2 groups on their way in that were heading there and both were expecting to break the trail.
I haven't seen any reports if they made it though.
By the way, the road is only plowed for about a mile or so, and then a well broken snow shoe path to the hut.

Hope this helps
Thanks Bill!
I am leaning more toward Hale than the Osceola's...
But who knows?!?! :rolleyes:
I was on the Hale trip with Rols on the 17th. We had no problems summiting. Someone had gone before us and broken trail. It wasn't consolidated at all and even with snowshoes, we sank quite a bit.

On Saturday, the snow was soft but there was a definite trough. The top level of snow was still about 4 ft below the blazes.

You should have no problems this weekend.


PS: Don't forget the snowshoes. :)
Hi Glenn,
Thanks for breaking the trail even more for me!
I guess Hale it will be, with snowshoes! ;)
We are supposed to get a light dusting here today, but nothing too much.
Have fun, and be safe out there.

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