Cooley Hill via Jericho Road Trail -- Fail :-(

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Aug 10, 2024
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Central Virginia
I was blessed to have a week of great weather in late August in your beautiful White Mountains. Over the past several decades I have done almost all of the 4,000 footers and other peaks. Little did I know that little Cooley Hill would do me in [Insert loud "FAIL" buzzer sound here]. Wishing to start on an easier hike, Cooley Hill seemed to fit the bill for an easy to moderate ascent over 3.2 miles. Following the directions in the White Mountain Guide (WMG) I found the parking area, although there is no sign at the road entrance. If you see a gate in the road about 100 feet in you've found the place. A recent sign near the gate showed the start of the trail. Immediately you walk on the forest service road, which was overgrown but easily followed.
1-Forest Road.JPG

After a quarter of a mile, the trail goes straight while the newer forest road veers to the right. The trail becomes more overgrown at this point. A mile from the parking area, you come to a huge clearing. There is no indication of where the trail goes, so I walked directly across the clearing and came across a narrow trail just to the right.

Entering the woods, the trail eventually began to narrow.
3-Trail narrows.JPG

About a quarter mile from the clearing, you will cross a narrow stream. 100 yards later I found what I think is the "old cellar hole" mentioned in the WMG, mostly by sheer luck. It can't be seen from the trail, nor is there a trail or other indicator to it. From the stream, walk 80 paces and look to the right for a couple of rocks sticking up. Walk up the bank for 20-30 feet and you should see the cellar hole.
4-Cellar Hole.JPG

Continuing on, the plot, not to mention the trail, thickens.
5-The trail thickens.JPG

The yellow blazes mentioned in the WMG were very few and faded. In fact I only saw a handful, and following the trail was getting more difficult. I think I approached the "two vast logged clearings" mentioned in the WMG, but no views were to be had as the growth was very high. It was then that the realization hit that I probably picked the worst time of the year to do this hike given the amount of overgrowth. After decades of hiking I am still learning. Duh... Finally, the first view of Cooley Hill appeared, at least I think that is what it is.
6-First viw of Cooley Hill.JPG

The trail, if it can still be called a trail at this point, closed in. Obviously, this trail has not been maintained in years. The ground could not be seen, which doesn't bolster one's confidence. The growth seemed to get even thicker as I continued. I poked around to try to pick it up again without success. There was one faded blaze so I knew I was in the right area, but that was little consolation. It seemed ridiculous to continue. Finally, the "trail" came to a dead end.
7-Trail dead end.JPG

Reluctantly I turned around and headed back, figuring it was the safe thing to do, especially since I was alone and my car was the only one at the trailhead. Despite the disappointment of not reaching the top and the lack of views, it was still a great hike in the woods. It was very peaceful and if I recall, this was the first hike I have been on in the Whites where I didn't see at least one other hiker. If you'd like to do this hike, I recommend going in spring before the growth starts. This is a good hike for those who want a nice woods walk, want to sharpen their trail finding and directional skills, enjoy bushwhacking, or simply are gluttons for punishment. If you do get to the top of Cooley Hill, please post a pic so I can see what I missed. :)

Parting shot of Cooley Hill.
8-Parting shot of Cooley Hill.JPG
Ouch!! Now that’s a bushwhack!

You would have had an easier time bushwhacking one of the Hundred highest.

They all have herd paths and Alltrails GPS tracks!

Good decision to bail on this one.
NE Hundred Highest was the last list I did without GPS. I found a lot of way to get lost on them. So I can't vouch that there are actual herd paths on peaks like Elephant or Peak above the Nubble (where I made a series of bad decisions).

VaMoose did the right thing to turn back before things got too weird.
I've hiked this trail a couple times, the last time in December 2022, and I did not have a hard time following although I came from the other direction. The logging on the lower section is confusing and there was probably a lot less vegetation in December but the trail is getting maintained. The approach for the North has mountain bike trails, is gladed for skiing and probably gets much more use. Also there are actually views and possible loops:
"If you do get to the top of Cooley Hill, please post a pic so I can see what I missed."
I did this 10/22/2016 and there was no problem following the trail to the summit. Recent logging could have changed that. It was not a day for views (the summit spur view was all white) but I did see the remains of the summit tower. You didn't miss much, except actually summiting.


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