Couchsachraga & Santanoni- Feb. 28, 2009

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Feb 5, 2009
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Trail Conditions:
The 4 miles from the plowed, but crowded parking area to beaver dam on the blue trail near Bradley Pond is well packed and in good shape. Some mushy spots beginning to appear. The trail to Times Square (TS) is also well-packed. Trail from TS to Couchsachraga is broken, meanders in spots, but heads mostly due west. Watch for spruce traps here and there. Crossing the frozen "swamp" is so easy compared to summer. Trail to Santanoni from TS is broken and beginning to be well-packed with some well-defined spruce traps. Newly reopened trail from Santanoni back to blue trail just south of Bradley Pond is also broken, but also meanders in spots. Attention is needed to avoid drifting off the trail.

Special Equipment:
Micro-spikes helped for the road; snowshoes the rest of the way.

This was an unforgettable day for winter climbing. Great trail conditions, great weather, and spectacular summit views and all along the trails to and from the summits. The five in our group, along with the 20+ other climbers, enjoyed times basking in the warming sun taking in the stunning views. Special thanks to all those "pioneers" who braved the deep snows to break trails to and from Couch and Santanoni. For two of us, it was a long day (6:45AM start and 6:50PM finish). The other three returned to TS, summitted Panther, and stayed the night at Bradley Pond LT. Thanks to Ron, Brian, Tyler, and Len for their great companionship along an arduous route.
