Crane Mountain

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Conditions: Much drier/less snowy than the same weekend 2008, and last weekend (non hiking injury led us to not hike very far last week). Some patchy mud this week but 95% of trail is dry. Flies were out, but mostly at the trail head and not yet biting, not seen from after 750ft of climbing.

Equipment: Poles would be helpful, harness for dogs not able to climb ladders since there are 2, including one about 15-20ft high. You can avoid the ladders using the western approach to the summit via the pond.

Comments: One of my favorite low mountains, great views and enough view points people need not fight for summit space, rugged but short hiking with reasonable elevation change for such a small mountain. One thing about Crane is that despite the very short 3-4 mile hike the rough footing and steepness are quite fun and/or challenging depending on your perspective.

Some photos of the Crane trail (specifically the ladders) can be found here: