Ct. A.T.,as many miles as possible 3-25 or 4-1 ?


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Mar 8, 2005
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Here and there Avatar: Ice Ice Bab
I've been planning on a weekend doing the CT section but don't know how many miles I can do in a day, so I'm planning to find out 3-25 or 4-1.
I'm looking at starting at West Cornwall Rd and hiking south to the NY border (for 27.4 miles, optimistic goal) but we have bail-out options at Rt 341, Kent (for 16 miles, minimum) and Bulls Bridge (for 23.7 miles, likely goal).
I hike faster than "book" but do not jog. I'd expect this to be a 12 - 13 hr day.
Let me know if you're interested.
Cars can be spotted and my wife can drop us off or pick us up.
an April 1st hike sounds good for me. let me know your start time. My wife is away that weekend and I am on animal duty so a day hike is just the thing. I would be coming in from the New Haven area.
I was planning on doing the whole CT section in a day and had to bail out on a planned date last November because of too much snow... and then I overtrained with the wrong shoes and got Plantar Fasciitis, so...

If I'm healed and healthier by April I'll consider it, but I should probably give it more time.

But... good luck and keep us posted :)
Puck said:
an April 1st hike sounds good for me. let me know your start time. My wife is away that weekend and I am on animal duty so a day hike is just the thing. I would be coming in from the New Haven area.
April 1 (Fool's Day :eek: ) sounds fine to me. I'm thinking of a start around 5:15. You'd basically be driving past me on the way up. We could meet on Rt 7 somewhere and leave cars at the start and a bail-out point. I usually hitch back to my car but I'd get my wife to pick us up where we finish. I'll keep in touch.

Cbcbd,:eek:, more power to you. This might be a good warm-up. :eek:
sounds good. let me know what you know when you know it.
Chip... I'd be interested in doing the section as far as Kent... 16miles would be a good distance in one day. The nice part is the few miles of River Rd where you can cruise pretty well.

I could meet in Kent, spot my car in town and hop in someone's car for the ride to the start if that would be OK. That way if anyone wants to stop at Kent, I can shuttle them to their car.

Let me know...
This trip is about a week away...Is it still on? Any changes?
Nice stretch

That's a great stretch.

I was on the AT today between West Dover Rd and Rt 55 NY -- the trail conditions are excellent. Trees are starting to bud. Very little mud.

You can hike, in a long day, from Bulls Bridge to NY/CT border-- its all gentle through there. I would also suggest ending at Rt 22 Pawling, its a dramatic terminus through some beautiful pastures with the ridge behind you. The section south from NYCT border to Pawling is really gorgeous.

One of my favorite all-day-summer-time walks is from CT/NY border to my old house which was due west 2 mile bushwack from AT Nuclear Lake. Especially fun during thruhiker season for purposes of spreading trail magic. ;)

Have a great time; wish I had the time off to join you!

okay, if anyone else is interested, we're doing the same hike but Sunday 4/2, meeting at Bulls Bridge Inn parking lot at 6am. And we know about "spring ahead", 6am is around dawn.
correct, no hike four one, long hike four two. spotting cars. 16 mile bail out option in kent, goal is 24 (back to Bulls Bridge), possible to do 28 to NY border.
Chip said:
correct, no hike four one, long hike four two. spotting cars. 16 mile bail out option in kent, goal is 24 (back to Bulls Bridge), possible to do 28 to NY border.

This is a good plan. High mile this time of year. In a few weeks when the trees are full of warblers I would be lucky to hike three miles in a day. This area is famous for its birds.

What is the water situation on this trail? Do I need a filter or will four liters cover it?