CT A.T. Ten Mile River: "Mini-Chips" overnight


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Well-known member
Mar 8, 2005
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Here and there Avatar: Ice Ice Bab
I was planning on doing the ADK BBQ and then the family wanted in, so we dialed it back to an overnight on Crane Mountain, but with the revised Sunday forecast we decided on something more local.

Some of you have met the (Jay H named) "Mini-Chips" along the A.T. in Ct. These are my 2 boys and 2 of their friends that I've been taking camping and hiking for a while.

After a late night friday at the Bridgewater Country Fair, we got a slow start packing on Saturday. We left the house at 12:15 and were hiked and set-up at Ten Mile River by 2:30. River swimming, local walking and socializing ensued. The boys had a great time drifting, swimming and jumping in the river. We ate well, slept and awoke to a patter of rain. By the time we ate breakfast, packed up and headed out it was pouring. We were soaked, but home and unpacking by noon on Sunday.

These are the 2 pics I wanted to share. The first is from 5 years ago:



More pics from the short trip are in the link below.
Nice, great that the kids have stuck together!

Looks like 3 of the 4 packs are the same in both pictures. Were they too big before, too small now, or a little of both? :)

I took a walk in the rain today, for the 1st time in years and had forgotten how nice and peaceful a dripping forest can be. I bet that my walk was a little quieter than yours!
Looks like 3 of the 4 packs are the same in both pictures. Were they too big before, too small now, or a little of both? :)

Good observation, you're correct. They were a bit too big then and perhaps a tad small now. There was a period of approximately 4 days where they were exactly the correct size ! ;)