CT-Sat.Night 6/17 Ten Mile River Wading & Family


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Mar 8, 2005
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Here and there Avatar: Ice Ice Bab
I can't be in NH this weekend :( , so I'm sending some Sponsor $ that way and taking my wife (first time backpacking) 2 boys (half the mini-chip posse) and Max the Wonder Mutt into Ten Mile River Camp Saturday afternoon. We should be wading in the river under the A.T. bridge by 5, if anyone is looking for something easy to do, please come on down and say hello !
Chip... This is tempting, tomorrow I am going to be up at Race Brook working with some folks from the AMC to do some campground renovations at the RB campsite and had thought about just staying at Sages that night, but 'likeitsteep' might stop by where you will be...

Sadly I don't remember this campsite, I know the general area, but the brain is on Friday mode and is not working... How far from the trailhead? Is it the shelter area where you plan to camp?

Let me know, I think I may stay there instead of Sages... Altough after spending the day working on the campsite you way want to think twice about getting water downstream of where I jump in the river :eek: ...LOL Bring the extra large size bottles of Aqua Mira... HA HA :D :D :D

A few adult beverages would be tasty too!!!

Let me know...