Curad spray on bandaid & moleskin Warning!

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Mar 1, 2004
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Be careful when using these products together. I've been taping and/or wrapping an ankle while rehabbing a recent injury. I finally stopped tape chafe over the achilles by using two pieces of moleskin, one fuzzy side toward skin over the raw area, and another larger piece sticky side toward skin to anchor that. I thought the spray on bandaid would provide another layer of protection. Little did I know it would create a glue-like bond between my skin and the fuzzy side of moleskin, right over the already raw area. It took about a half hour of soaking in hot water to get the moleskin off, lost some more skin in the process. There is still some residue over the raw area, it's in little bits like pieces of rolled up glue and sticks to everything, but I'm too wimpy to pull it off.