Current access to Maine Mtns?

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Jan 20, 2004
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Vernon, VT avatar: Old Goat
What are the access points to mountains in NW Maine? I'm familiar with East Kennebago only.

Will be going up this Friday and depending on conditions may stay longer to try for some of these.

Haven't ever been to any of them.

thanks for any info :)
Mtnrunner, if you wouldn't mind, please post (or pm me) about access roads & conditions after you return. I plan on hitting a few of the NW Maine peaks in early spring and would love an update on conditions.

Thanks so much!

- Ivy
MTNRUNR, I'm not sure precisely which NW Maine peaks you're refering to. Here a a few that aren't described in the Maine Mountain Guide:
-Cupsuptic Snow: the logging road heading north from the Tim Pond Rd along the west side of Little Kennebago Lake to Wiggle Brook Road was very icy on 2/12, but drivable with caution in a 4 WD
-Whitecap/No. Kennebago Divide: continue past the Wiggle Brook Rd on the approach described above. The road along Bear Brook leads to the col between the 2 peaks. A snowmachine trail from the col climbs to the summit ridge of Whitecap.
-Boundary: my preference is to do it from the Louise-Gosford DEC in Woburn, Quebec. But some continue over Whitecap to the boundary swath. Others bushwhack in from the Canada Rd (which did look plowed this winter from the southern end; we didn't explore it, and it's usually gated about 4 miles in from the junction. Anyone have more up to date info?)
-E. Kennebago( an update): Again, very icy 0n 2/19. We actually cramponed in from the main highway, but a party of 5 successfully drove in about 3 miles that same day.
Have fun this weekend!
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Thanks so much for your responses

Looks like we'll be heading up to Rangeley in the morning. Donna will be doing the Ski Marathon and I'll be trying for summits.

Ivy, I'll post reports for sure...there seem to be very few for Maine which is quite a shame. Not being able to get up that way very often I enjoy reading about them :p

Mhrsebago, that's just the info I was hoping for. May not be able to get to them right off but @ least with your recent directions it will be a tremendous help!!! Thanks soooo much ;)

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