D-E-S 3/1; Seymour 3/7


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A quick note--The gate is closed. The sumer trailhead is not accessible at this time (even if one could negotiate the ice). The mile from the turnaround to the gate is very icy and depending on the weather/time of day/your car not fully drivable. Skiing on the rd is also difficult due to the ice. Leaving your car at the turn around adds about 8 miles and 3 hours to your trip. The paths to D-E-S were wonderfully broken by Inge, Joe and Peter in late Feb. 3/1 on a perfect hiking day we (3 strong hikers) took 12 hours to complete the trek--microspikes on the road and snowshoes the rest of the way. A little ice on the top of the cliff. 3/7--seymour-- after the melt--still microspikes on the road. Trail to ward brook mostly mushy, sloggy snow--so snowshoes most of the way. Good path up Seymour, excellent butt slide down. There is a lot of snow up high. Though the flat trail was melting fast, a misstep still lands you in deep snow in many places. People behind me had no snowshoes and were attempting to bare boot seymour !!! Trip to Seymour took 9 1/2 hours.