Dial and Nippletop


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Mar 11, 2005
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Syracuse, and Speculator
Weekend plans have changed, and am now thinking of heading up Dial and Nippletop. Has anyone been up through there lately? trail conditions? Black flies? Best routes. Any information would be appreciated. Thanks, Slamdog

Hi Slamdog, :)

Yerterday, 06-01, We hiked Dial-Nippletop-Colvin-Blake, the trail was without blowdown, the crew-worke passed few days before.
They was opening the old trail in the Noonmark shoulder and close the temporary trail was open since the fire.
A couple of old icy and snowy patches near Nippletop....without blackfly but
now We are in the best season depending the wind and humidity!!!! ;)

Few muddy spots in lower area!!!

Junior prefers to go up by Gill Brook trail and hike Nippletop in first.

After Nippletop without possibility to catch water before the small brook between Beer Den Mtn and Noonmark shoulder.

Few places in The Ausable Club road was cover by small loose rocks and the big machine was working.

Have a great one. :D

Pinpin Junior.
Many thanks for the information. I hadn't seen a trip report from those peaks in a while, and was glad to get your summary. Going to try to be on the move by 6:00 but am unsure if i can carry my 240 lbs over all summits. What was your total trip time? Just curious. again, many thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it. slamdog
We were in the central ADKs last Saturday. It was cooler and not really humid, and the black flies were really biting by midmorning.
With higher temps forecast this Sat-Sun, and much higher humidity, they may really be out.
I was up in that vicinity yesterday. Trail conditions were good and there were no bugs to speak of.
My buddy hiked your prospective loop in about 8 hours. He said Elk Pass was a little wet, otherwise a great trail.
Thanks for the heads up. I believe anyone is faster than me, but I have ignorance, old age, and a head like a rock. That should count for something. In looking at the trails and elevation changes, I am anticipating a 10 to 11 hour tour. I'll follow up with a trip report Monday, and will find out just how bad shape I'm in. Thanks again. slamdog
I prefer to go up the Noonmark section first, then over Bear Den, Dial, and Nippletop. That way, if it's dark as I return via Elk Pass, I'm on the Lake Road for the hike out.
I live in Portsmouth, NH and would love to get together. I'm familiar with the Whites, but not the other spots everyone is talking about. Where do you think you'll hike on the 12th?

Also does everyone take 302 to get to the whites, or do you come down 95?

I'm just thinking about carpooling. Going by yourself is a drag.

See trip report I posted this morning. Great hike. 11 hours and I took loads of time talking to people I met on the trail, taking photos, and watching the trout in Gill Brook. Trails are in great shape. Whoever did the clearing of blowdowns on the trip up H G Leech trail deserves merit pay! Got back to Speculator in time to paddle out and watch the sunset. What a day. Those were numbers 28, and 29. Have a big push planned in late July. We'll see if it's possible to complete the 46 before I turn 47 in October.