Date of Hike: saturday april 16 2011
Trail in: lake road, Henry Goddard Leach tr. Trail out Elk Pass, Gill Brook tr.
Trail Conditions: frozen ground to Icy and Hard Packed Snow as you gain elevation. A lot of Downed Trees but generally very manageable. Lost trail only once.
Special Equipment Required: in: used Snowshoes for the heel raiser - out, Crampons. The trail is so hard packed that any traction would do.
Comments: great day to hike when you like end of winter conditions. It wasn't that cold but quite windy. the gill brook was gorgeous with a serie a falls and cascade. we "lost" a lot of time on that portion of the trip. Thanks to Dany for the day.
Your name:fmarier
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Trail in: lake road, Henry Goddard Leach tr. Trail out Elk Pass, Gill Brook tr.
Trail Conditions: frozen ground to Icy and Hard Packed Snow as you gain elevation. A lot of Downed Trees but generally very manageable. Lost trail only once.
Special Equipment Required: in: used Snowshoes for the heel raiser - out, Crampons. The trail is so hard packed that any traction would do.
Comments: great day to hike when you like end of winter conditions. It wasn't that cold but quite windy. the gill brook was gorgeous with a serie a falls and cascade. we "lost" a lot of time on that portion of the trip. Thanks to Dany for the day.
Your name:fmarier
Your E-mail address: