Dilly - KRT loop, 1/11


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Okay, show of hands: how many people have done the Dilly Trail? In winter?

After a leisurely b'fast at the Woodstock Station (two thumbs up), we got a normal BohicaBoyStart (1:15 pm) but hey, no big deal - we were hiking less than 2 miles. After road walking to Lost River from the Beaver Brook lot, we located the Dilly Trail (unsigned) and started up. This baby goes STRAIGHT UP! And, no surprise - it was unbroken.

Mama Nookie likes using her televators, so she was having a blast. BohicaBoy was a tiny bit less enchanted. MN thinks the Dilly Trail should be the AT. ("Welcome to the Whites!") Considering the fresh foot or so of powder and the steepness, surprisingly the trail breaking wasn't too difficult.

We topped out at the "T", went to the overlook, and proudly looked down all the hundreds of feet we'd climbed.

Now for the crux: returning to the "T", the trail and blazes both disappeared in the open hardwoods, and as the day grew ever shorter, we lost the trail to the jct. w/the KRT/AT. What the...?! We knew we were no more than a quarter mile from the jct. but spent a lot of time wandering here 'n there in search of it. But there are lots of beautiful woods up there in case anyone is wondering! Just as we'd resigned ourselves to returning to the car via the Dilly Trail - and we had just enough sunlight left to do that - EagleEyeBohicaBoy spied the trail signs. Yippee!!

"DILLY TRAIL - VERY DIFFICULT" read the sign. "To follow" we wanted to add.

Someone had recently continued north on the KRT, at least past the Dilly Trail jct. The remaining 0.7 miles was a blast in the fresh snow, and in the end, I wished it could've gone on for another 10 miles. A happy ending to a fun weekend.

Bohica 'n Mama Nookie