Dix Mt from Round Pond 4/25/09


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Hiked into Boquet River lean-to friday afternoon on very dry trail conditions.
The Boquet River at the lean-to was pretty high saturday morning and required either some extreme rock hopping or sandal crossing to keep the boots dry. Trail was a bit wet from here on in with some rotting snow and collapsing snow bridges. It was at least 70 degrees and sunny and once we got to the base of the slide, so we decided to go straight up it. The snow was soft enough to boot pack up but snowshoes were definitely helpful once we topped out and started to bushwack. We were sinking into spruce traps chest deep!
Summit was sunny, hot and beautiful! Felt like summer.
We took the Hunters pass trail down and kept the snowshoes on the whole way until about a half mile before the river crossing. The trail was not iced up due to warm temps but the snowshoes helped with traction and helped to avoid major post holing in lower elevations.
The river was raging compared to the morning and led most of our group to wade across in boots and all to ensure traction. Not too big a deal since we stayed another night in the lean-to. Outstanding weather and a great trip!

Special Equipment: Snowshoes basically required to deal with the quickly rotting snow mid way up and continuing to the summit.
