Dix Range 01-08-06 ?


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Sep 28, 2003
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world woods
Hey hikers.....do You need Dix Range in the Winter. ;)

This is the plan: Sunday the 01-08:

At 7 a.m. from Round Pond Rt 73, strat to Dix 6.8 milles. go to Hough, Carson (East-Dix) Grace (South-Dix) Carson, Macomb go down the slide hike to the trail, catch the Elk Road, hike to the gate. :cool:

We will sty one or more cars st this place ealier that morning.

Just é-mail if You have interest or need more information.

Pinpin Junior. :D

At this time, We have one warrior reserved for this great challenge!!!!
I would love to go on this hike as I missed my chance last weekend and wondered if it would even be possible to do in one day especially without blazes. But I don't know if my feet are up to it after 5days in the DAX last weekend. Also I am hoping to do an 18mile run for marathon training this Sunday because I haven't gotten a long run in since Dec. 17th.

Is there any chance you would consider doing this hike next weekend or the weekend after that :)
At 7 a.m. from Round Pond Rt 73, strat to Dix 6.8 milles. go to Hough, Carson (East-Dix) Grace (South-Dix) Carson, Macomb go down the slide hike to the trail, catch the Elk Road, hike to the gate. :cool:

Hough, Carson (South Dix) Grace (East Dix) :)

Have a great time.
Dix Range in one Winter day

Hi everybody.

Thank You Skyclimber2971W, Yes You are the only people to see my mistake!!! ;)

Sorry Beaner, it was a little bit too late, We have arrangement with a warrior and We can not change this thing. :eek:

But do not cry, :D if We will return in this party next time this winter You will be the first to know this thing. I am sure with your shape and your determination You will be a good warrior. :)
Please stay in contact...

Pinpin Junior. :)
Bon soir PinPin,
I see you're on-line. Is there room for another warrior demain le matin?
I e-mailed you less than an heure ago. I was about to go home and call. I Need Dix and Macomb, but would be happy to do Hough and Carson (S.Dix) too. I have no choice anyway. I suspect I'd be the slowest member of the party, so I wouldn't go for Grace (E.D)*, but would get a head start towards Macomb.

*Hey, has anyone else noticed that the current initials of this peak spell Grace's husband's name?