Dix Range from Round Pond trailhead


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Jun 16, 2008
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Date of Hike: 19 June, 2009

Path up from Rte 73 is well-marked to the base of the Dix Slide (and then into woods at the right). With plentiful recent rain, the slide resembled a waterfall along much of its length. Quite slick in places, but rock has good traction, even when wet. Much of the trail all day is in standing water with mud.

Bushwhack from top of slide to regain the trail led shortly to Dix peak. Path over Beckhorn to Hough (+ Pough) thence to South and East Dix is easy to follow. Quite steep descending the Beckhorn. Though weather forecast suggested a dry afternoon, it rained steadily from Hough until East Dix. We chose not to take the spur to Macomb as the rain showed no sign of letting up. Dry on top of East Dix gave some respite from rain.

Returning to the col before East Dix, we found the path down to the South Fork of the Bouquet River to be easy to follow. Fortunately boots and socks were already wet, so the many fords of the South and North Forks involved simply plunging in.

Special equipment required: Waterproof pouches for maps, etc.

Ten hours +/- for the 16 miles for round trip. Caught a hitchhike back to the car from a Gentleman from Quebec who picked up three very wet hikers for the one and a half miles to our car. No VFTT. This would be a great hike in clear (and dry) weather. It was a good one in the rain.

Fourfingers (+ Mat and Marc)

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