Dix Range Traverse via Elk Lake


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[Date of Hike]
5/22 - 5/24/09

[Trail Conditions]
- Trail from Elk Lake parking lot to Slide Brook lean-to (ADK#119) was generally muddy and wet for 60-70% of the way. Clearly marked (red) and very wide/flat in most parts. Many places to purify, from a mere trickle to a more substantial brook.

- Herd path from Slide Brook to Macomb's west slide was well defined and dry. Easy to follow however seemingly little use; worn down leaves and duff. Other reports I read leading up to hike claim that the herd path crosses the Slide Brook several times. Not true. Re-routes due to blowdown are very easy to follow. Trail starts at top of camping area west of marked trail (ADK#119) at cairn between the two Slide Brooks.

- Macomb slide was very loose talus and scree. No mud. One could hug the left or right sides, following cairns to resumed herd path at top left of slide.

- Dix Range traverse herd path(s) was generally well-defined and dry, although choked with vegetation. Cairns were plentiful on the open rock of Carson's (S. Dix) southwestern approach. Only a few wet spots and small hidden snow drifts in higher altitude.

- Trail from the Beckhorn to Dix pond (ADK#120 to ADK#119) was incredibly steep. Half of the trail is a rock hop as the trail becomes a small stream. Well marked (yellow).

[Our trip]
- Elk Lake parking lot to Slide Brook lean-to
- Lean-to to Macomb via herd path and slide
- Macomb to Carson
- Carson to Grace
- Grace to Carson
- Carson to Hough
- Hough to Beckhorn
- Beckhorn to Dix
- Dix to Beckhorn
- Beckhorn to Dix Pond/ADK Trail #119
- Dix Pond to Slide Brook Lean-to
- Lean-to to Elk Lake parking lot

[Special Equipment Required]
No special equipment needed. We took a tent but had the Slide Brook lean-to all to ourselves for two nights. Good amount of tents at Slide and Lillian Brooks. Lean-to in good condition. Some small trash left by other groups.

Take plenty of water on traverse. Water is not readily available from Macomb's slide until halfway down Dix/Beckhorn trail (ADK#120). We took 7 liters for two people and ran out on Hough. We spent 13 hours on the traverse, covering 11.2 miles. Plan accordingly.

[Contact Info]
Nathan hayes
[email protected]