Does anyone know what this pole is?

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Sep 4, 2003
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Southern NH
Yesterday as we were descending the summit of Mt Moosilauke on the Beaver Brook/Benton Trails, I noticed a pole sticking out of the scrub at tree line, about 75 feet from the trail on the right (east) side. The top three or four feet of a six foot section above the trees, was painted white. There was no apparent herd path that entered the spruce to the pole. Has anyone noticed this pole and does anyone know its purpose? Unfortunately I did not have a camera with me to add a photo to this post.
Are you talking about the one that's just after you get back to the trees and begin descending?

It's a weather station. It records temperature. A friend of mine installed that particular one sometime ago. I've worked on others with him but I'm not sure if that one has other data loggers in it or just a temp. probe. The white box is just a case to keept the elements out of it.

they aren't that much fun to try to get open when they have been frozen shut all winter, it's January, it's below zero and you're on the open ridge of Mansfield... I attribute my chronic cold feet to that day.
