Dont Feed The Bears!

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There is also a decent article in the latest issue of Backpacker (Oct 07) on the efforts to keep Yosemite Valley bears away from human food.

Don't see an online version.

If you're interested in more bear stories, there is a thread here from the Whitney Portal BB, the major trailhead for Mt Whitney. Onion Valley is a trailhead about 30 miles north of Whitney, similar in elevation to Whitney Portal, and perhaps a 100 miles south of Yosemite - all in the Eastern Sierra. I did a loop hike a couple of weeks ago from Onion Valley - beautiful country, and a mecca for backpackers and hikers.

Lots of bear/human interaction this year as the drought has created a hardship for the bears, and there are lots of them.
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When I stayed in Curry Village two years ago over the Presidents' Day weekend, the NPS had a movie playing in the check-in office about bears. They also have a torn up car parked nearby, so you can see what a determined bear can do if you leave food in the car-broken windows and at least one door was torn open. Might have popped the trunk too, if I remember right.

I think it's a pretty big fine if they catch you feeding bears or leaving food around instead of in a bear locker or bear canister.