dozing off on beautiful North Moat Mtn. 2-25-07

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Dec 3, 2004
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..Madison, NH
What a day on North Moat, which I consider to have about the best views in the White Mtns.! I hiked from Dianna's Bath to the summit.

Beware: The trail sign at the junction of Red Ridge Tr and Moat Mtn Tr was, yet again, improperly aligned. It was aligned to show the RRT as the MMT, going across the Lucy Brook, heading south. The RRT appeared to turn left, but that was actually the Lucy Brook, heading downstream, and there was a track heading that way :eek:

Last summer, and again in Autumn, I had found the same thing so I lashed it to a tree, properly aligned. Is someone playing games?

The trail was broken nicely, but would not have supported bare boots. The trail goes through areas with beautiful huge pines.

On the summit, conditions were sweet! Blue skies and very light wind with periods of dead calm. I set up the tripod and took a few shots of the Presidentials. From there you see Madison rise above Pinkham Notch, and the summit of Adams behind the north wall of Huntington Ravine, as well as the Southern Presidentials. This is my favorite summit to just sit with a map and pick out peaks. As often happens, I was alone with the ravens on this summit. After taking some pictures I took a nap. With my eyes closed, the warm sun and sound of ravens lulled me to sleep.

Happy Trails :)
I like your taste!

I like your taste Forestgnome! The Moats are definitely on my list for this year. Your TR's only serve to remind me how cool they are. So many places to explore. Darn! Too bad we have to work for a living.

I really like big white pines. I assume you saw this not far from trailhead?
Thanks! Yep, the first leg of the trail to Dianna's Bath, and then along the Lucy Brook, has lots of these giants. It's a really pretty area.