Dry River bridge replacement?


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Oct 27, 2004
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If I read this WMNF SOPA (schedule of proposed actions) chart correctly, the Dry River suspension bridge is due to be replaced this month:

Dry River Suspension Bridge
- Special area management
- Recreation management Completed 05/08/2006 Actual: 08/2006 Rodney Wilson
603-447-5448 (120)
[email protected]
Description: Proposal to remove and replace the structurally deficient Dry River Bridge. This 100' suspension bridge crosses the Dry River on the Dry River Trail in the Presidential Range/Dry River Wilderness.
Location: UNIT - Saco Ranger District. STATE - New Hampshire. COUNTY - Coos. LEGAL - 1.8 miles north from the Dry River Trailhead on FR 302. Town of Cutts Grant, Coos County, NH. [end quote]

In a March 2006 letter soliciting comments from abutters and other potentially interested parties, the basis for reconstruction of the bridge in Zone D of a wilderness area is discussed, as well as the rationale for doing so (several deaths, rapidly rising river):

Forest Plan Compliance and Management Direction The proposed project lies in Management Area 5.1 (Wilderness). The project is compatible with the standard and objectives for Wilderness found in WMNF’s Land and Resource Management Plan (USDA Forest Service 2005), including the Wilderness Management Plan (Appendix E). The location of the Dry River suspension bridge falls into a portion of Presi-Dry Wilderness classified as Zone D. Zone D is defined by the Wilderness Management Plan as including “the most heavily used and most highly developed trails and areas within WMNF Wilderness.” This zone encompasses the least amount of land area of the 4 wilderness zones. The Wilderness Management Plan directly speaks to the presence of bridges in Zone D: “Bridges may exist for public safety or resource protection.” [end quote]

There are some interesting pictures of the bridge in the March letter. For some reason I am not able to copy in the URL of the pdf with these pictures and the rest of the scoping letter. Google "dry river suspension bridge" and open the WMNF's pdf if you want to see them.

The April 2006 decision memo includes all the objections as well as WMNF responses to them. It's an interesting insight into the mysterious ways of the USFS. Again, I can't copy the URL for some reason (it produces a dead link), but google "dry river" decision memo (use the quotes) to see it.

Supplies are to be choppered in. Has anyone seen any sign of this project beginning yet?
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Since they are able to re-use the major components the cost will not be any where near the cost of a total replacement. I think consideration is being given to the high probability of injury to a hiker attempting to fjord the stream during high water. We did have the tragedy near Spider Bridge in the past year and it maybe having an effect on decisions being made today. You might think, hey if I get to the crossing and it is too high I will turn back. However I find that once I am past a certain point in a journey I become un-willing to give up on my goal and in turn I take chances that I would not take in different circumstances. I prefer they not replace the bridge but it is probably the best thing for hikers that they do the rplacement.. When this stream is running it is a sight to behold and certainly not a river to try and cross while it is raging.
I didn't realize the existing bridge was put in after the area was declared Wilderness.

odd, the more I find out about Wilderness the more confused I am. :( on Monday late in the morning there were a couple of fighter jets flying around (Air National Guard practice?), at one point they flew between West Bond and Owls Head, & were in the general area for a long time -- sounds of jets persisted off and on for a few hours. I'm not sure I mind all that much but I wasn't expecting it & it did disturb my sense of solitude a little; if we have to follow the restrictions why can't the military? I sent WMNF a question, they were very responsive but said "the Forest Service doesn't have much authority to regulate overflights in wilderness" which I guess is true but it seems like everybody has a different set of standards for what violates Wilderness aesthetics, and there's just never going to be agreement over a consistent threshold for what should be allowed/prohibited; sometimes the spirit of Wilderness is enforced but not the letter, and sometimes the letter of Wilderness FS regs is enforced but not the spirit, and it seems to slosh back and forth. IMHO it's illogical to prohibit minor stuff if major stuff goes on. (for me, major stuff includes loud plane flights and loud people, minor stuff includes cairns marking the Owls Head path, maintenance of existing shelters and well-behaved groups that exceed the 10-person rule)

With respect to the bridge, I am glad they are replacing it, but if they don't replace Spider Bridge I will be very confused & it will be interesting to compare any scoping letters for that one with this project.

Tim Horn said:
We did have the tragedy near Spider Bridge in the past year
did I miss something?
arghman said:
IMHO it's illogical to prohibit minor stuff if major stuff goes on. (for me, major stuff includes loud plane flights and loud people, minor stuff includes cairns marking the Owls Head path, maintenance of existing shelters and well-behaved groups that exceed the 10-person rule)

And the West Bond cairn too for that matter!!! (Which I never got to see. :mad: :( :mad: )
arghman said:
on Monday late in the morning there were a couple of fighter jets flying around (Air National Guard practice?), at one point they flew between West Bond and Owls Head, & were in the general area for a long time -- sounds of jets persisted

I was on the Kinsman Ridge Monday and heard them also, as I did Thursday down on Mt Carr. We used to hear these "overflights" incessantly here, then they died out for awhile. Summer camp?

As for confusing wilderness regs, I hear you. I never knew there were wilderness "zones," with Zone D being the most permissive. My ignorance.

I think I follow the logic of the argument to replace the bridge, but I'm not sure: if the bridge is not replaced, more people will lose the opportunity to enjoy solitude. Those people who go elsewhere to hike will then impact--presumably negatively--those areas, which may not be wilderness-designated.

Mind you, I'm not necessarily against replacing the bridge.
arghman said:
... odd, the more I find out about Wilderness the more confused I am. :( on Monday late in the morning there were a couple of fighter jets flying around (Air National Guard practice?), at one point they flew between West Bond and Owls Head, & were in the general area for a long time -- sounds of jets persisted off and on for a few hours. I'm not sure I mind all that much but I wasn't expecting it & it did disturb my sense of solitude a little; if we have to follow the restrictions why can't the military?

If memory serves, those A-10's are from the Rhode Island National Guard.

As for what's OK in any given wilderness area - my experience is that it varies WIDELY depending on the area and jurisdiction. Some designated wilderness area even have active logging ...