Duck Hole

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Apr 7, 2004
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Home: Tioga PA Avatar: Cheez Whiz YUM!
Ok I have heard a lot of talk about snakes actually living in and around lean-to #1. Whats the deal with this? Why do they like this lean-to lets say over #2 where there are not as many living there.

I am planning a trip later this fall into Duck Hole. Where is the best place to camp there? Any suggestions are appreciated as I have never been to this area before.

Maybe there are snakes at lean-to #2, but nobody notices them because they are under the floor, where as #1 I believe is one of the old style lean-tos with out a floor.
WHy do the snakes live there? Because it's good for them. They'll keep the leanto mouse-free, too. Don't worry about the snakes. THey won't bother you at all.

Where to camp at Duck Hole? Just about anywhere is nice. The lean-tos are particularly nice when you've ben hiking for two days i teh rain, and everything is wet.
I've stayed at Duck Hole several times. I've mostly been in a tent, but I have stayed a couple times in Lean to #2. Never had occasion to stay in #1.

I haven't seen any unusual numbers of snakes anywhere at Duck Hole, but that's not to say they're not there somewhere. For my money, I think #2 is a prettier and more private location in any event.

Regarding where to camp, I have camped on the lawn near #2, and also there are some attractive sites here and there in the woods.

Have fun! Duck Hole is paradise, and one of the most beautiful places around. It's not usually too crowded, because it's not the shortest way to any of the high peaks. Most of the traffic is NP people.

I haven't had any bear problems at Duck Hole, but there is a very adept red squirrel who can get your food bag if it is not hung high, and far away from branches. One year he got our trail mix, right through the side of the bag.
I always thought that the snakes preferred #1 lean-to because of the proximity to the dam, but I really don't know. I've seen them there; stayed there once, but it was in the winter. I've stayed at lean-to #2 in the summer and never saw a snake, but snakes have been reported there on this forum, as well as bears. Snakes aside, we preferred #2 because for us it was simply a nicer spot.

Duck Hole paradise? I agree!
When we stayed at #2 a couple of Septembers ago, it was time for the flying ants to head south (or whatever they do). They were launching off of the rocks in the firepit in an endless stream... except the ones being gobbled up by a pair of snakes that were snatching many of them right out of mid-air. Very cool sight!

#2 is a new and beautiful Lean-to, and a little further off the beaten track of #1. Duck Hole is a great spot, have fun there!