East Dix and South Dix


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January 22, 2011
A group of five parked on Rt. 73 and hiked up the South Fork of the Boquet to the camp site 3 miles (or so) from the road. We took day packs up the grand slide on East Dix and then over to South Dix. We returned to the col between South and East and bushwacked back over to the grand slide and back to the campsite.

The trail was broken out by another group ahead of us. The trail is obvious and in great condition. Snowshoes are required and some of the crossings over the various tributaries of the Boquet are dicey due to the false snow bridges, but the water level is low at the crossings (ankle deep or so), so there was no real danger. The last 100 yards or so at the top of East Dix was tough going due to waist-deep snow drifts with icy rocks beneath.