Easter Eagles 3/23/08


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Kevin Judy and Emma

Well-known member
Jul 8, 2007
Reaction score
Kingston, NH.
Sorry for the late notice. If anyone is in southern NH and would like the opportunity to possibly see an eagle, Judy, Emma and I would like to open our home to you. We are seeing them daily from the comfort of our living room here on Powow River in Kingston, NH. Today there were 5 all at once.

Of course, we cannot guarantee a sighting, but it will be good company, good conversation and a chance to meet some other hikers. There are many other birds on and around the pond to look at, as well. There are currently some large "rafts" of Ring-Neck Ducks, Bufffleheads, Hooded Mergansers and other transients, possibly some Loons also.

When: Anytime after 9am is good, probably ending mid afternoon.

What should I bring?: Binoculars, favorite libation. If anyone has a spotting scope, that would be excellent. We plan on having a large ham, and rolls to make sandwiches and a couple of types of salad. If you wish to bring food that is fine. Please advise what you will bring so we can plan.

Where: PM me and tell me where you're coming from. I will send directions.

Please PM so we know how many to expect. I know, its Easter, but if you can come by for a few hours, that would be great. Dog's are welcome, but please bring a leash so they don't wander onto the ice. Kid's are welcome too. Leashes optional.

Kevin, Judy and Emma
Thanks for the offer. I knew I couldn't hike yesterday, so I didn't check Views. My loss. Hope you got to see some of the eagles yesterday.
I took KJE up on his offer on Friday...as he lives about 3 miles from where I work! It didn't disappoint. 2, possibly 3 eagle sitings, one immature. One landed on the ice and started picking away at something. Lots of other birds, and fine company to boot.

I missed the easter scene, as I was moving out of my olde place all day, but I heard good reports!

Thanks again for your offer and hospitality!