Eisenhower, Pierce, & Jackson, 2/25/2007 (Plans A & B)


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Well-known member
Jul 18, 2005
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Nashua, NH
Plan A…

The current forecast for Sunday looks great. :D (We all know that can change.) Expecting the forecast to hold, we’ll head for the Southern Presidentials. With cooperation from the weather gods the day will be full of great above the tree-line hiking and all the good stuff that comes with it. Bring eye protection and or goggles. The snow should be very bright. :cool:

Our plan is to hike Eisenhower, Pierce, and Jackson from Crawford Notch. We will head out on the Crawford Path to the Eisenhower Loop to the summit. From there we will return to the Webster Cliff Trail over Pierce to Jackson and then the Webster-Jackson Trail back out to Crawford Notch.

Distance – Elevation: 12.2 Miles, 3,700 Feet.

If the weather turns on us, including extremely high winds above the tree-line, we have a good fallback option.

Plan B…

Our alternate plan is to head across the road and hike a loop of Tom, Field, and Willey from Crawford Station. We’ll head off on the Avalon trail, A-Z Trail, Mt. Tom Trail, Willey Range Trail, and return to the Avalon Trail and Crawford Station.

This planned hike will be 10 miles, 3,400 feet but can be reduced with a car-spot and hiking a traverse. The traverse will be roughly 8.5 Miles, 3,100 Feet. In the event of a traverse we’ll hike out on the Ethan Pond Trail or the Kendron Flume Trail – depending on the car spot.

If you are interested in joining this hike, please respond directly to this thread or by PM.

We plan to meet at the trailhead lot for the Crawford Path and be on trail at 8:30am.

Any questions, fire away.

You and Spence....stop breaking my chops!!!


Well, I would love to, I mean this job thing is really getting in the way of my hiking, but "the hospital needs me" every third weekend...sigh.
She complains, but notice the great midweek hike trip report from the days she gets off instead of the weekend...
Yes, you're still working but I can see you're not looking very good. Are you feeling ok???

I think you need to call in sick.

Possible change of plans....

The distance for a traverse including Jackson, Pierce, Eisenhower, and Monroe is roughly the same as the planned loop, which does not include Monroe.

The traverse would go up the Webster-Jackson Trail, Webster Cliff Trail, Crawford Path, and out on the Ammonoosuc Ravine Trail with the Eisenhower and Monroe loops included. We can hike south-north or north-south.

If we can arrange a car-spot we'll be interested in the traverse to bag four instead of the planned three peaks.

The question mark is a car spot. It looks like the weather isn't going to be a concern.
