Elk Lake Access to Trails Question


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Jan 15, 2004
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Guilderland, NY
in the "trail conditions" someone had a question about elk lake:
"What is with this Elk Lake Lodge Place? In the summer the hiker lot is so small we can't park. Now they say trails closed until 12/22, hunting season. I think the lodge is going out of their way to discourage hikers."

maybe someone else has more info for the person who posted the question but here's the little i know about it:

i don't know if the elk lake property is owned privately or by a conglomerate but they do own a lot of that land around the lake & before the state owned land. in order to get to the state owned land & access to several peaks you must cross their property. as a result, they have allowed us access & put in parking areas. unlike other large tracks of land owned privately, you don't have to park 3.5 miles (or more) away and walk in! i actually stayed at their lodge this summer (if you continue down the road you come to it). it was a "treat" a bit expensive but it is really a pretty spot. they are not at all against the hikers which is why they has set up specific lots just for our use. it's not their fault if the lot gets full, the hikes are pretty popular. the guests have their own parking at the lodge or at the cabin they rent (you can stay in the main lodge or rent a cabin). the only folks filling up the lot for hiking is hikers. personally i wish they didn't allow hunting but since they do they probably close off their trails during this time of the year to be safe and avoid any problems or liability issues. it may even be required by their liability coverage or other insurance provider that they do this. maybe it has something to do with the fact that technically the only folks permitted on their property are paying guests, i don't know. i just know from my experience they are very nice & do an awesome job maintaining the land and have no anamosity towards us hikers.
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The folks that own ELL are nice people and the Lodge and surrounding land is private. There is a hiking easement thru their property for trails. Like all successful businesses, they cater to a variety of clientele. In the Spring, its salmon and trout fisherman. In the summer, its hikers, fisherman, and folks who want to paddle around the lake or just take it easy. The Autumn brings customers who want to go hunting.
I believe the closing of the trails has more to do with keeping hikers who are tromping up and down the main trails from scaring away deer, than it does with liability.
The ELL is an excellent steward of the land and are friends of the hiking public. With the the 2 trunk trails are closed(on the western side of the Dixes and the Elk Lake-Marcy trail), folks can still access Marcy, Skylight from the north. The same is the case for the Dix Range which can be gotten-to from Rte 73 or under the N'Way.

To put in a shameless plug for the Lodge. You can climb 3 of the ADK100 if you're a guest there: Boreas, Wolf Pond and Sunrise. The trails to these are private and open only to guests.
Nice photo! Just curious, and trying to get my bearings, is that Giant Mt? I think I can see the Eagle slide .......
We'd finished a backpack over Giant, Hopkins, etc., and were ready to move on to part 2 of that trip when the bathtub floor of my tent decided to delaminate and turn into a real bathtub during a rainstorm. I woke up to 1" of water in the tent so we took the rest of the day off, went to the laundromat, threw the tent, the thermarest, bag, etc., into the dryer (carefully) and were ready to roll again in a few hours. We had a few hours to kill so decided to go see the Ausable Club, which only one of us knew about, and I took the pic. Unfortunately, I had never heard of it before then and therefore had not looked for it when I was on the summit of Giant. Next time....
Peakbagr said:
You can climb 3 of the ADK100 if you're a guest there: Boreas, Wolf Pond and Sunrise. The trails to these are private and open only to guests.

So does that mean the only way to finish your ADK100 legally is to spend the big bucks and stay in the lodge?

A little update for anyone interesting in staying here when the Lodge reopens this Spring.
Added benefits for guests is that you can access all 3 of trails/routes to Sunrise, Boreas, and Wolf Pond, use their boats on Elk Lake, and fish for Salmon in the smaller pond.