Estimated Mileage to:

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Mike P.

Well-known member
Sep 19, 2003
Reaction score
Colchester, CT
Estimated Mileage to: Plus directions well suggestions


How about from Elk Lake public parking up Macomb, the S. & E Dix, Hough & Dix, down the other side & out? Elevation gain?

Finally, about the mileage & elevation gain for Santanoni, Panther & Couchsachraga

I've put together some rough numbers but looking for other people's feedback. At present I' have the following:

Allen 16.8 & 2500 (I think I'm light)
Macomb - Dix 18 miles & 7263 I think I'm light on mileage & over on elevation gain

Santanoni + friends 18 miles & 4169 short on mileage maybe & close on elevation???

Don't think I'm so far off that any day is easy, thanks in advance for the help.
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I read in a guidebook that Allen is 8.1 to the top and about 2,600' elev gain. I made it to the top from Upper Works in 3:20 on Thursday, so that sounds about right. The last mile is a killer - it would be especially dangerous on a rainy day. the views were spectacular if you follow the 2 viewpoint herdpaths for a few dozen yards off the summit.

Are you getting these numbers from a guidebook? Have you checked out any other websites, like this one:

I trust my ADK Guidebook (High Peaks Edition) exclusively. It is a couple years old, but even the descriptions of the herd paths have been spot-on. Best investment I ever made for hiking in NY. (Thanks teejay!)
I was looking at guidebook, on the beach, watching my kids play in the surf... so not all my attention was on the book.
For Santanonis, I just did it 2 weeks ago.
Total distance: 14.9 miles, (returned from Santa. by the new old trail), 16.9miles (the regular trail).
Elevations: Parking 1716', Bradley Pond jct.2971', Time Square 4306', Panther Pk. 4442', Couch. Pk 3793' down between TS & Couch. at 3525', Santanoni Pk. 4606'
Since I changed my own title:

Any suggestions for getting to the trailhead for Allen from the south?

Coming up Friday AM, is it quicker from South to get off Exit 29 (Blue Ridge/North Hudson & go over on CR 2 I've been accused of driving over posted speed limits on Highways & dirt roads) or get off Exit 26, take CR19/29 to 28N (looks more direct but can only go as fast as the car in front of you) or exit 23 & Routes 28 to 28N

Hopefully the 50% change of showers/rain means it is also 50% chance of not raining. (30% for Isolated showers & T-storms Saturday & Sunday - from TWC for Newcomb)
I'd go over the Blue Ridge Rd, but the N'way has some construction and it's "watched" very closley in the work zones.....

As far as rain, "scattered" means scattered all over you, most likely when your'e at the farthest point from the trailhead! !!! ;)

have a good trek!
Thanks adkleaddog, I'll stay alert & speeding through construction zones is bad any way, plenty of opportunities to make up a couple of minutes in other places (hiking faster & lighter for instance)

If it doesn't start raining until I'm at the summit (farthest point from car) that means 50% of the hike was dry, since I'm going anyway, 50% is better than 100% rain. based on my personal cooling system, ten minutes from the car I'm not dry so the only thing rain changes is the trail condition & the views, actually I probably spell better in the rain (TMI! :eek: )

Friday now listed as 30% chance along with Saturday & Sunday so it's actually an improvement!
Mike P. said:
Any suggestions for getting to the trailhead for Allen from the south?

Coming up Friday AM, is it quicker from South to get off Exit 29 (Blue Ridge/North Hudson & go over on CR 2 I've been accused of driving over posted speed limits on Highways & dirt roads) or get off Exit 26, take CR19/29 to 28N (looks more direct but can only go as fast as the car in front of you) or exit 23 & Routes 28 to 28N

I'm going to disagree w/ ADK Lead Dog, and say take Exit 26. I've gone both ways and it seems quicker. Just took the 28N route a month ago and I was surprised at what good time we made to Newcomb. Maybe it's just me, but Blue Ridge Rd. or whatever it's called seems to go on forever. And I've never gotten stuck behind slow traffic going the other way. I hardly ever see much traffic at all on back roads in the ADKs. When I do, it often seems the locals are the ones that want to pass me!

Anyway, enjoy the hiking, however you get there.

adkleaddog said:
I guess it's a little quicker through Minerva, I just enjoy the Blue Ridge Rd! ;)

I must admit, it is pretty scenic, although most roads up there are. Obviously it's the route of choice from Upper Works back to say, Keene. One time two summers ago Jay H and I were coming back from hiking Cliff and Redfield and were desperately trying to get to the Noonmark before they closed, since our bodies were screaming for calories. I remember seeing the biggest moon I had ever seen coming up in the east as we drove along Blue Ridge Rd. And we did make the Noonmark, just in time. ;)

After we went to Spencer's party, that was a whole other story. :eek:


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