Ever feel like you're being watched?


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The owl is an example of how often we are observed by wildlife and never know it. I just happened to spot two moose recently doing the same but didn’t have the camera. As large as they are they blend in so well even in a bare (of leaves) forest.
There are a lot of Black Bears in the White's, but people see very few. Most of the time the bears will actually "watch" you through the trees making sure you aren't getting too close to them. For hikers that explore away from peaks in summer, like me, just remember that while you are walking. Same goes for animals like bobcats, and many others. Moose are the only animal that really doesn't care most of the time, unless of course you get too close. -Mattl
Nice pics, Carole and Tom! What kind of owl? That's a nice scene.

If you want to experience just how much you are being watched, especially off-trail, just stop and be still for a while and listen to how many creatures you start to hear as they slowly go back to whatever they were doing before the loud human (even if you think you're creeping) entered the area.

Happy Trails :)
I'll play this game. Spot the critter in this photo. It shadowed me on the Carters for a little while last year. I surprised another one a little later sunning itself on a rock, but it scampered away before I could get my camera ready :mad:. Isn't that always the way?

The resolution isn't very good, so if you can't see it, it's a hare in its summer coat.
evilhanz said:
I'll play this game. Spot the critter in this photo. It shadowed me on the Carters for a little while last year. I surprised another one a little later sunning itself on a rock, but it scampered away before I could get my camera ready :mad:. Isn't that always the way?

The resolution isn't very good, so if you can't see it, it's a hare in its summer coat.

Crazy red glowing hares with their laser shooting red eyes...you're lucky to be alive. hehe

"Sometimes I feeel like, somebody's waaatching meeeeee....." :D


P.S. I owned a crazy red glowing hare with laser shooting red eyes, but it liked to singe the cat and dog, so it had to go. Last I heard it was running free nect to the tank that held the evil man eating sharks with lasers in their heads. :eek:
Once I dropped down into the Wild river valley from Zeta pass and found myself relaxing on a log in the sun. I looked out and saw a rabbit watching me. He was aprox. 30 inches tall (sitting down) and had ears aprox. 12 inches long, he was a giant rabbit :eek: no one, even game wardens believe me, which is fine, Im being conservative in his size descriptions. I attempted to approach him (of coarse) and got within 10 ft before he bounded off.
sierra said:
.... I looked out and saw a rabbit watching me. He was aprox. 30 inches tall (sitting down) and had ears aprox. 12 inches long, he was a giant rabbit :eek: no one, even game wardens believe me, which is fine, Im being conservative in his size descriptions. I attempted to approach him (of coarse) and got within 10 ft before he bounded off.

One pill makes you larger And one pill makes you small
And the ones that mother gives you Don't do anything at all
Go ask Alice When she's ten feet tall

And if you go chasing rabbits And you know you're going to fall
Tell 'em a hookah smoking caterpillar Has given you the call
Recall Alice ....When she was just small

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