Favorite loop routes for Madison and Adams


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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2004
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Boxford, MA. Avatar: I heart South Twin
I am planning a Northern Presidentials dayhike up Mts. Madison and Adams and back this summer. Was wondering if anyone could share their opinions on their favorite loop routes. As we will have two cars, this loop does not have to start and finish at the same spot.
Many thanks,
If you are looking for a tough hike, my favorite would be up Airline, down Star Lake to Madison Hut, up Osgood to Madison Summit, and down Howker Ridge. A long day, somewhere over 11 miles, with a lot of elevation gain. You will be cursing me when you look up at the Howks as you descend - knowing you still have to go over them (BTW, I personally would not want to go up Howker Ridge if my goal was both Adams and Madison)

Another great option (a bit easier) is up Amphibrach to Randolph Path to Spur Trail. Stop at Crag Camp, then continue to Thunderstorm Juntion/Lowe's Path to Adams summit. Head over to Madison Hut, up Osgood, return same, and down Airline. A nice loop around King Ravine.

Then again, you could go up King Ravine...

I give up - Adams is one of my favorites!
I actually hiked once outside the Adirondacks once :rolleyes: and ended up doing Adams and Madison was supposed to be part of the loop (weather and wind had us skip it that day).

I went up Lowes Path and down Valley Way. Not sure if that's considered a "good loop" or not. While it was steep in spots, it wasn't overly difficult, but it WAS fun.

I have a pretty detailed -TRIP REPORT- on the loop we did. Forgive me if it's irrelavent.
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Up King Ravine trail (headwall), traverse Adams & Madison, descend Howker ridge trail. My favorite loop anywhere in the northeast, but it is pretty demanding. Allot of elevation change and boulder hopping. Not for beginners.
If you like mossy brooks through beautiful coniferus forest, try to include the trails that hug Snyder Brook (Brookside Trail and Falls Way). I like to enjoy these trails on the ascent to the Northern Presidentials. Especially after a good rain, this is a very beautiful place.
Oh no! Now I'm dreaming of Spring!
I second SherpaKroto's loop (Howker/Airline), one of the best in the northeast, but a tough one too. I like it clockwise (Howker Ridge first), because in the morning you're still fresh and in good shape. Once you reach Adams (I admit, the last climb from Star lake is a killer :eek: ), it's almost over, you're going down (and enjoying the views) all the way for the rest of the hike.

Beware, chances are good you'll have to break trail on Howker ridge (but Airline should be ok).
Thanks everyone for your suggestions! I will take them to my group and we'll put it to a vote. Oh, and Stinkyfeet, I don't think I am a GAC'er, but hate to admit that I don't know what that is.

Happy trails,
You could start at Appalachia, follow the Brookbank, Brookside and Watson Path to Madison, then Osgood, Gulfside and Air Line to Adams, then Israel Ridge, Randolph and Short Line back down.
With two cars, the usual trip I would think would be up Lowe's then Airline to Gulfside to hut & then Osgood Ridge to summit, back down & then back over to Airline & down, (there is a short cut-off from the hut that brings you to Airline without climbing back up part of Adams on Gulfside) IF the knees are a little tired, you can take the Scar Trail over to Valley Way so you don't descend the steepest part of Airline. The junction with Airline is near treeline so you don't lose much of the view. View loop off Scar provides interesting view of the two peaks you have climbed.

With One Car, there is always up King Ravinve /Short Line from Appalachia to Airline, up Adams, hit Madison via Star Lake & then Osgood, & then down Airline if views are open or down the easier but somewhat boring but protected Valley Way.
Lots of good advice already.... I'll add my 2c, some variations on themes already mentioned.
1. Start at Appalachia, take Fallsway to Sylvan Way to Howker Ridge Trail. This is an unrelentingly steep trail up through the woods, and then a lot of fun climbing up over the "Howks" to Madison. Then over to Adams, then down Airline, over the Knife Edge with great views into King Ravine, then right turn on Upper Bruin down to Valley way, but then quickly bear right an go along Snyder Brook on Brookside, and just keep to trails on either side of the brook all the way back to Appalachia.

2. Start at Appalachia, take Airline to Shortline to King Ravine Trail. Make sure to take the "Subway" portion of the trail, crawling under, around and through heaps of huge boulders on the floor of the bowl. Then up the headwall, very spectacular, but not at all scary. (I like the King Ravine Trail better than Great Gully Trail, the latter goes mainly through scrub, the KRT is more exposed with more scrambling). Then up Adams, over to Madison and down as in #1 or down Howker Ridge.

3. Start at Great Gulf Trail parking on Rte 16. Up Great Gulf Trail to Madison Gulf Trail (very steep, fun trail, not as tough as it reads in the book) to Adams then Madison (various choices around the summits, see map). Then down Osgood Trail (very nice ridge walk for quite a while) then back to Great Gulf Trail.

4. You can make a very big day by doing #3 but staying on the Great Gulf Trail to the Six Husbands Trail, crawling through crevices, over ladders, nice scrambling, to Jefferson, then over Adams and Madison and down as in #3. Do not try this in iffy weather as there's no good escape route back to your car on the long stretch from Jefferson to when the Osgood Trail finally drops off the ridge.

Have a great time. The Northern Presis can't be beat!
another suggestion, with many different views and trails

Leave one car at Appalachia, then drive to Dolly Copp Campground and ascend Madison by Daniel Webster Trail: a lovely forest, a long slabbing ascent above tree line with views to north and east, then finish along the upper Osgood Trail, a nice ridge walk to summit of Madison. Osgood trail to Madison hut, Star Lake trail to Adams, Lowe's Path off summit of Adams to Gulfside ( nice gentle walk along edge of King Ravine), descend Air Line along ridge to tree line, turn right on Upper Bruin(quick and mossy connector to Valley Way), Valley Way to Lower Bruin to Brookside, follow Brookside trail along scenic Snyder Brook to Kelton Trail, follow that quiet and rarely used trail to Inlook Trail , then descend Inlook Trail, with great views at the end of the day, back up to where you've just been on Madison and Adams. Then a few yards on Brookside again to Valley Way, and 25 min to the car, with a loop on Fallsway to look at Tama Fall 15 minutes from the bottom.

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