Finishing on Big Slide

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The Sikes

Sep 16, 2003
Reaction score
New Boston NH
So I don't miss anyone, just wanted to give a heads up to those interested in hiking with us on our last ADKer and 115 on Big Slide...we're hoping for October 15th if the weather is good.
I'll be at a wedding that weekend, but I'll be thinking of you - what a *tremendous* accomplishment! Good luck - woo-hoo! :)
Big Slide

Would be nice to have the kids come but I understand. How do you think we should deal with parking? I'm a little worried about that.
The Sikes said:
How do you think we should deal with parking? I'm a little worried about that.
People could meet at Marcy Field and car pool from there or simply ride the shuttlebus.

BTW, what time do you hope to be on the summit?
I don't know what the shuttle schedule is but when we were up there last weekend, I parked there at 5:15 AM (there was only one space at that time) and when Harry showed up at 5:30, we had the kids stand in our spot and ran him down the road to park and then came back up. It was a pain but I think the shuttle starts a little later. I'll have to check into that and make sure.

As far as what time I plan on starting or arriving at the summit, not sure. Haven't thought that far ahead because I've been so busy trying to plan a baby shower for a friend among a million other things. I'm open. I haven't even read in the book about how long it will take yet. :eek:
Although it isn'T as nice a route, parking isn't a problem if you park at South Meadows, head through Klondike Pass, and over Yard to Big Slide.

Just a note. Big Slide is in the High Peaks Wilderness, and day trips are limitted to 15 people. The DEC has asked us (46ers) to inform finishers that their finishing party should respect the rules.
I don't think there will be more than that with us. I am aware of the rule and am not planning on a million people. We usually finish alone but this time have a few friends we have hiked with this past summer joining us.
I hiked Big Slide on Oct. 2. The Garden was full at 8:30 am but the shuttle was running, and said they stopped at 7 pm.

FYI...its free to take the shuttle to the Garden, but you must buy return tickets, $3 per person. We didn't know this. So if you have a large group it can be cost effective to drop/pick up the group at the Garden, and just have one person take the shuttle.

I think they stop running the shuttle at some point in the fall. The Town of Keene runs it and can probably give you better info if you call.
Due to the fact that it is still raining and that the forecast is showing 60% for Saturday, I doubt we will be hiking on Saturday. We want a nice day to finish and are sad that it may be Monday that we will finish and that our friends won't be there to finish with us. But there are many more mountains to climb and lists to finish... Thanks to all that were going to join us. :(
Well if it is Monday I will be there in spirit alone as life's commitements keep me from being there physically.
Adam I would have joined rain or shine ;)
But I understand; this is a big acheivement in ones life and should be as perfect a day as possilbe.
I am really proud of you all and wish I could accompany you.
Enjoy the hike and view all the other summits climbed this summer from Big Slide.
Have a great hike,

PS: Dianne this will be your third report do you think you can write about all the experiences of the 115? :D
I'm sad to say we didn't that day but we are hoping to conquer the mountain on Thursday. I saw the weather report and decided that even though it's in the middle of the week, we are going. Adam wants a good day and so do Beth and I. The weather forecast just keeps saying rain, rain....soon it will say snow, so... We're excited and sad...sad that friends that we have made this summer won't be able to come but excited to hike Big Slide. Pray the weather doesn't change and mess up our plans.

I hope you get the weather you need for thursday. Around here (central NY) the current prediction for Thursday is 50% chance of showers. Lately that means rain for hours. But.... I haven't built an ark yet.

The only trouble with that forecast is even though it *might* not rain on your parade, you probably won't get a view.