Floodwood Pond, Adirondacks


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Apr 7, 2004
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Home: Tioga PA Avatar: Cheez Whiz YUM!
In June's issue of the Backpacker there is a write up of the top three canoe treks and Floodwood came in at second. (Nancy Lake SRA, AK was first and third was Village Creek, TX) I have paddled in there when I was a kid and would love to go back. We use to camp at Rollins Pond and paddle all of those small lakes and ponds. If you have never been I highly recommend it. The fishing is not half bad either :)

Haven't seen that issue yet... but Floodwood? I've paddled through that pond a few times as part of a loop through Fish Creek Ponds, but never thought there was anyting unusual or special about that particular pond. Please fill me in...
It does not say much really and if your not looking closely you will miss the article :D It is only about 2 paragraphs in length.

Bob if your at a news stand and just want to take a quick peak it is on page 30 ;)
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Magazine articles on locations are about as subjective as anything. Nothing superb about Floodwood versus other nearby waters. In the same place, Follensby Clear Pond is much more scenic with more islands and mountain views, albeit more road and nearby jet-ski noise. Floodwood camping stinks since the road attracts heavy use from all sorts of campers that set up illegally for lengthy stays. Too small a body of water for more than a few hour paddle.