flowed lands and bears


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Sep 19, 2003
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clinton, ny "avatar:Bailey"
I will be doing marshall from UW soon and I like to carry beef jerky loose in my pocket for easy access while I walk. With all the talk of problem bears over the years here, is this a good idea? Should I seal them in a baggie just in case. It will be a daytrip not at night, but I still don't want to bring them to me. even taking them out of the baggie could be a problem.
Bears aren't really a problem during the day, they're mainly an issue with food storage at night. I wouldn't hesitate to carry easily available (and smellable) food in your pocket. Even with problem bears, they don't generally reach the point where they will approach hikers in daylight on the trail.

David Metsky said:
Bears aren't really a problem during the day, they're mainly an issue with food storage at night. I wouldn't hesitate to carry easily available (and smellable) food in your pocket. Even with problem bears, they don't generally reach the point where they will approach hikers in daylight on the trail.
Generally true for black bears in most places. However, Yosemite has had some mugger bears. They would frighten hikers into dropping their packs and would then dig into the packs.

I only learned later that the place where we had stopped for lunch was a favorite of the muggers... Fortunately, we had no visitors. :)

Adk_dib said:
..... I like to carry beef jerky loose in my pocket ..... Should I seal them in a baggie just in case.....
Know how fast a bear's claws can rip through a baggie?

Oh... You meant the smell? Try this. Put a teaspoon of coffee in a baggie. Seal it. Smell it. See how smells go right through a baggie (is that waterproof and breathable?). So.... You've seen that the smell goes right through, and then think that a bear's nose is 1147 times more sensitive than a human's.
DougPaul said:
Generally true for black bears in most places. However, Yosemite has had some mugger bears. They would frighten hikers into dropping their packs and would then dig into the packs.
That's what finally did in Brutus in the Pemi. If they get that bad they will be relocated or killed.
David Metsky said:
That's what finally did in Brutus in the Pemi. If they get that bad they will be relocated or killed.

Just to be clear, that's Brutus the troublesome bear who was wreaking havoc including raiding 13 Falls, and bears no relation to Brutus the Newfoundland hiking dog.