Flume...Lafayette...Twin...Bonds Cliff


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Mar 17, 2006
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Now that I had completed the W48, I need some new funny hike like
that one.

I search some fast and strong hiker to try that loop. Start at Lincoln wood
very early (3:00 am)
Lincoln wood-Osseo trail-Flume-Liberty-Franconia ridge-
Garfield ridge trail-Twin way-Bond Cliff trail-Wilderness trail-Lincoln wood

It is 32 miles and about 8500 feet ascend. I will had my sleeping bag
in case I am to tired to complete in one day. That hike will be done
only in a very sunny day. Maybe March 30 or April 13 or 14.

Let me know if interested. :) :)

The Dirty Dozen in a day?

gads! tough enough to do in dry weather, let alone in the unpredictable snow-pack of a late-March mid-April day. I assume you are going to go for all the summits as well? as in not skipping by West Bond or Galehead?

I call it the so-called Dirty Dozen on acocunt of 2 peaks (Haystack and Guyot) being excluded from the official lists of NEHH/NH48/NE67.
Never done anything longer than 23 miles in a day. I know there are many on this site that would and can do that.
Not sure I could keep up with you but the idea is intriguing. I'd probably conk out around Guyot or the Bonds.
Good luck to you, sir!
A lot of folks also add NTwin and Zealand to the "Pemi loop," adding another 5 miles or about 38.5 total, yielding 12 bona fide NH4s. I believe that Stinkyfeet, Frodo, and Sir Edmund did the loop a couple of winters ago (can search this site)?
Dr. Dasypodidae said:
A lot of folks also add NTwin and Zealand to the "Pemi loop," adding another 5 miles or about 38.5 total, yielding 12 bona fide NH4s. I believe that Stinkyfeet, Frodo, and Sir Edmund did the loop a couple of winters ago (can search this site)?

Sure they do, Sir Edmund fly over the trail. He his so fast that I would not
try to follow him. I don't plan on summiting Galahead and West Bond.