Former Elephant Mt. Lean-to site off Maine AT?

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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2004
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Boxford, MA. Avatar: I heart South Twin
I was hiking up the Bemis Stream Trail (aka, Bemis Valley Trail) on Saturday, en route to Bemis Mountain, ME. Near the top of the trail (approximately 3/4 mile below the AT junction), I noticed a small cairn with an old and unmaintained path leading to the left. Took it about .1 mile and found a large campsite area with a fire pit and room for a couple of tentsites. Was wondering if that was the former Elephant Mountain lean-to? If not, any ideas where it was?

I'm not sure if this will help, but zoom in on the bottom right corner of this image and look for the black dot that signifies a structure next to where it says Bemis Stream:

This map is from 1942, so it is hard to say if it was in the same spot since then, although that wouldn't be out of the question. It is also interesting to note the re-routes that the AT has underwent in this area - the AT didn't go over Bemis or Old Blue back then. Also that they previously thought the east bump on Elephant Mtn was higher.
Here is a link to Topozone that shows the location of the old Elephant Mtn Lean-to. I've stayed there twice. Once before the relocation away from Clearwater Brook / Bemis Stream and again shortly thereafter.

mhrsebago came across the remains of the lean-to and the outhouse when he 'whacked E Elephant last year or so... right Mark?
Thanks guys. The lean-to shown on the maps appears to be at a bit higher elevation than the one I found. Mine was also a bit further away from Bemis Stream. Lastly, mine did not have any sign of any structures having ever been there.

Guess I just found a rogue campsite :)
