Forum Personality Profile?

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I'm a Shamrock. What ever that means.

I don't know, couldn't find it on the test website. Proabable means I'm a dud, no personalitry, smart ass troll, that has nothing do at work except waste time on the internet in a dark room drinking coffee, smoking cigarettes and has no life. :D or not :)
Since I'm April, and "April showers bring May flowers" I am soaking wet but clean.
You've just come off the boat. Or you can be counted on for changing your mind. Now how do we feel about this poll?
Did I miss something? What good is a personality survey without any definition of what they are? Why put a name on it? You might as well say you're a 4 or a 7 or whatever and let it go at that?

Lauky is a Leo by the way. Mine was quite different. :)
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Perhaps the "poll" originated in Great Britian - "polarised"?

There should be an additional question - "You are annoyed by nonsensical polls directing you to a page trying to sell something - Yes/No/Not Sure"
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