Funkyfreddy music/solo show

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Well-known member
Sep 7, 2003
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Hi everyone, I just wanted to let you know I'm doing a solo show tomorrow - Tuesday 5/29 at the 205 Club in beautiful downtown Manhattan. The address for the 205 club is 205 Chrystie street, just one block below Houston St. on the corner of Chrystie and Stanton streets.

The show will start promptly at 9:15 PM and ADMISSION IS FREE. I will be debuting some original songs as well as doing cover songs by Neil Young and many others.

I hope you can make it! I would love to see some of my VFTT friends there! I have been doing a lot more music than hiking lately but will be out on the trails again this coming weekend in the Catskills with Gail. Thanks, FF :)
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Hey Fred, wish I lived near by...would love to hear you're great. Have fun. ;)
Ditto! If I were closer I would so be there! Have a great gig! :D
I vote for Snyder's Tavern... You and Fu Gow Pai can do a duet all on catskills haunts and hikes.

Don't miss this show!!!

Rock on, mon frere!

For those of you fortunate enough to be close enough to attend Freddy's show, I HIGHLY recommend it. His creative juices are running on all cylinders (could Gail have something to do with that? :) ). He is an extremely talented singer/songwriter and accomplished guitarist. I so wish I could make it down there. Please tape it!

For those of you unable to attend this show, fear not. Freddy will be a featured performer at "Bearly Live '07", both as a solo act and a member of the Bluffs. Details will be coming soon on that weekend event. Some of the Bluffs will be huddled up in Maine this weekend working out the kinks in preparation for the summer event.

BTW, I think Boston would be a great location for one of your shows. I know where you can stay for free ;) Maybe we could have a Funky Freddy Beer night!
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Freddy, I'm sorry I couldn't make it.....i'm sure the crowd went wild....please keep me informed for future dates..
Thanks everyone for your kind words and encouragement, they mean a lot to me! The show went well, no major disasters to speak of, lol. The next show is with the VFTT Bearly Live crew at Sherpa's place in Maine on July 27th and 28th, which I'm really looking forward to! :D

The next shows I do after that could be in Boston or Montreal as well as NYC, so I'll keep you informed. Thanks again, Fred