Gale River Tr. to North Twin

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Well-known member
Oct 21, 2004
Reaction score
Kill Kaso, MA
Has anyone traversed the old North Twin Trail that used the present Gale River Trail before heading off to North Twin? If so, A) how passable is it, B) How are the stream crossings and C) is it difficult to get up the ledges on North Twin -- is there still blowdown there from 70 years ago?

If anyone is interested in this for Sunday -- I'm getting an early (6am) start -- PM me and I'll give you more details about what I intend to do for this hike.


Dr. Wu

PS. Here's the link again to that beautiful map which shows the trail I'm talking about.
That's quite a steep grade on that old trail. Can you hold off for a few weeks? I'd be happy to go after my finals.

Blackflies will provide fresh protein on the wing, so we could pack lighter. ;]
All stream crossings in the Franconia area are still high from the past weekend's rain and snow melt. Many were in flood stage. We've had two dry days now, but they're still high, more rain is expected tomorrow, and the melt is speeding up. For now, I'd pick trails that don't require any stream crossings.
Thats a cool hike/bushwhack. I would be game, but not this time of year. Bushwhacking in mashed potatoes gets old real quick. I might up for it in late May when the blackflies are out to keep hikers motivated :eek: The best time of year to do a hike like that is Sept/Oct when the water crossings are low, bugs are scarce.

You will also likely never find the abandoned trail, but even if you do, you will never be able to follow it. I would consider that part of your hike a pure bushwhack. Mother Nature can devour a trail in as little as 10 years...
I figured that you'd only have 2 stream crossings on the Old North Twin Trail & they wouldn't be bad (that or I'll just wade through them! Heck, I'm a good swimmer ;) ) and that I'd just deal with the rotten snow. And I have no problem doing it again in May and then doing it again in September -- if it's a good hike & I have company it doesn't matter. But maybe I will chicken out for this weekend. Thanks a lot, guys -- I'll just go hike the Crawford Connector or something easier this weekend. :p

-Dr. Wu
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I would love to give that a shot too, perhaps when the snow is mostly gone. If you alter your plans for a later date, will you let me know? Thanks

Any idea how long ago that trail was abandoned?
On a related topic, what about the Hancocks. HAs anyone been in that area to see the stream status??

The mighty Merrimack is still raging in Machester. These mill buildings are cool this time of year. :cool:
RoySwkr said:
I have bushwhacked from Peak Above The Nubble to North Twin, the last half mile of which follows where that trail used to be. All I found was scrub over my head! (The rest of the trip was easier.)

Sounds like quite an adventure which I'd love to read about :)
Well, I won't be doing it this weekend. Possibly later in the spring...

I read somewhere that if you're lucky enough to find the trail at the elevation you're talking about it provides a clear enough passage through the really thick crap up there. I'll see it when I believe it though, right!?

-Dr. Wu