Garden- Point Balk-South Meadows 09-02 (ADK's)

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Well-known member
Apr 26, 2004
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I'm going to hit the trail at around 6amfrom the Garden. 3 hour hike on the trail to the base Point Balk then up to the top. From there the bushwhack will go over TableTop and around the series of bumps to Phelps and out the Pelkey basin to South Meadows. Total bushwhack is about 5 miles. I hear the route down Pelkey is easy (about 2 of the 5 miles) but for the rest I'm bringing sturdy leather gauntlets, protective eye wear and gaiters to wear over my long pants.

There are lots of bailout options all along the route. There's no money in it and the chances of success are low. :) Let me know if you want to come and we'll set up car spot arrangements.
What is wrong with you?

This route looks like a completely insane person took a crayon and tried to connect some dots on the map! You’ll be spending most of the day brushing your teeth with cripplebush you bush-wacko. It's not even on a list.

PS- When I meet you at 6am won't the Garden be packed already on a holiday weekend? :confused:

PS2- If your planning on wearing a cammo thong and leather chaps I'm going to hike out in front. :eek: :eek:
I've thanked Neil a few times for wearing underwear under his pants. Especially when he has the legs unzipped in the middle on a steep slope. :eek:

Not that I noticed or anything :eek: