Gaston Rebuffat's "Starlight and Storm"

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Jay H

New member
Sep 8, 2003
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Pittsfield, MA
I'm currently reading Rebuffat's "Between Heaven and Earth" which is an English-translated book by one of the 4 French climbers on Annapurna that was made famous by Maurice Herzog. Herzog and Lachenal summited, Terray and Rebuffat aborted to rescue the two on their descent so they get obscured in history a bit other than in David Robert's "True Summit" book..

I thought his story was interesting so I took out "Between Heaven and Earth" from my library and currently reading it.

I really want to read Starlight and Storm but my library system doesn't have it. It's another english translation..Anybody read it?

Jay H said:
I'm currently reading Rebuffat's "Between Heaven and Earth" which is an English-translated book by one of the 4 French climbers on Annapurna that was made famous by Maurice Herzog. Herzog and Lachenal summited, Terray and Rebuffat aborted to rescue the two on their descent so they get obscured in history a bit other than in David Robert's "True Summit" book..

I thought his story was interesting so I took out "Between Heaven and Earth" from my library and currently reading it.

I read Herzog's own account in "Annapurna".

Jay H said:
I really want to read Starlight and Storm but my library system doesn't have it. It's another english translation..Anybody read it?


Haven't read that one, but you mentioning it made me look it up on Amazon and I ordered a used copy in good condition for under $12. I saw it for upwards of $50 from some of the resellers. I find that if you really want these out of print books you have to jump on them when you find them. There are still a few good condition books under $20 available if you look.

Jay H said:
It's another english translation..Anybody read it? Jay

I have an old copy and it's a classic.

He was a wonderful photographer in his day, and the writing in Starlight and Storm is quite poetic as well.

It's a great addition to any mountaineering library.

Jay H said:
I really want to read Starlight and Storm but my library system doesn't have it.

Have you thought of trying Interlibrary Loan through your local library? They should be able to locate a copy that can be retrieved for you from a distant library. Takes a little time, but it's easier than traveling to the Library of Congress.
That's how I am reading "Between Heaven and Earth". My county that I live in has an online database search and I simply request a hold put on the book and it gets transfered to my home library, a phone call to my cell phone and I go pick it up. My library is fairly small, but the county library and the county seat has a decent sized volume of books so rarely do I get to pick a book in person and I'm always using the "on hold" system. Unfortunately, my search for starlight has come of blank. I can try the neighboring county's library system but this is the first time I've not found a book and I don't know if the neighboring county's library system is on-line. Going to look now...

Of course, I have Ed Viestur's new book out to so we're talking a queue of 2 books already...

I did a search on two of my neighboring counties and still didn't find Starlight and Storm.. Might have to buy it..

I did see a copy of "On Snow and Rock" which I might read. So far, I'm liking the oldtime photography with the superlong ice axes and the old tweed climbing clothes, as well as the oldtime photos of the Dru and the other European peaks.

Newly reprinted

Hey J-
I looked through my collection, I have a newer reprinted copy, published in 1999. it is part of a 'exploration' series by Jon Krakauer. 4 books out of print, with a forward by him and David Roberts.
They have it at Chessler books, $27.95 UK edition, US out of print.
pm me if you want to borrow it...

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