Gathering 8.5: Things to do

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Mad Townie

New member
Oct 8, 2003
Reaction score
Leb, NH
Hey, how about a thread to list just things people can join up with this weekend at the Gathering? (No need to list Saturday Night's Game--GO PATS!)

Date: Friday
Activity: Bigelow Loop Hike
Starting Time: meet at 8 at junction of Stratton Pond Road and Rt. 27
Description: ski or walk to the Firewarden's Trail trailhead, up to summit of West Peak (and Avery for speedsters), across ridge to Horns Pond, then down Horns Pond Trail to skis, finally out to vehicles
Difficulty: Firewarden's Trail is a strenuous uphill, the rest is pretty moderate
Time: a long day
Gear: Crampons, snowshoes, full winter above-treeline gear
Welcome: Everyone!

For more info: MEB or Mad Townie (PM or E-mail)
Coldfeet, glad you are joining us! Friday's weather is looking to be pretty nice! :)

Does anyone know what the condition of Stratton Pond Rd is???
