Get out there for some winter temps!

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Toe Cozy

New member
Sep 1, 2004
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Springfield, Springfield!. Avatar: Spruce Peak Kim
If anyone is really missing out on that winter hiking feeling...maybe you should head up to Mt. Washington today. It's not snowing, but with the wind and our cooler temps...check this out:

Mt. Washington weather

Ewww!!! Gross! My fingers and toes are freezing up just thinking about it! :eek: The auto road tourists will be shocked when they get out of their cars, I bet!
thats the great thing about big george - can throw any/all type of crap at you - in any month. I think there has been measurable snow in each of the summer months.
There's no need to climb the Rockpile today for that winter feel. There's a frost alert out tonight for the "colder hollows" in the Franconia area valleys. The cold air can slide down the mountain right into your tomato patch. Gardeners beware!
I took my first trip up the auto road last Sunday & woudl have loved some colder temps. We had just a breeze & temps in the upper 40's low 50's. it's hard trying to show the kids how rough it can be. they wore Sweatshirts but I was fine in a T-shirt & shorts. Camel's Hump clearly visible.
I've seen it snow on my birthday only twice. Once on Mt. Washington and the other at Portage Glacier.
I worked in Manchester this morning and it was cold in the shade.

Hopefully it will not be too cold when we attempt the Rock Pile this winter.
At 8 PM it's 57 in Twin Mountain and falling - feels great! And best of all - no bugs!!!! Going to be some great sleeping weather tonight! The forecast is calling for a low of 41 degress overnight!!
Just got back from enjoying the Perseid Meteor Shower at the Oliverian Brook Trailhead. The air was crisp and cool, requiring hat, gloves and fleece, and I saw a nice Earth-grazer, two fireballs and a few meteors. Now I'm listening to Patriots pre-season action on the radio and checking out results from pictures I took of a moose. YEEEEEHAWWWW!!!! Autumn is near!!! :D

Franconia Ridge tomorrow!!! :D

Happy Trails :)
I am so very happy and so are Bernie and Kodi!
:D :D :D :cool: :cool: :cool:
Hiked up Sandwich Dome by Drake's Brook and Sandwich Mtn trails. Cold and windy in spite of a late (10:30) start, but no bugs. On ridge it was definitely chilly, had lunch in the trees with fleece and shell plus hat. Went down with shell, hat and mittens until I was below 3,000 feet.
Mohamed Ellozy said:
Hiked up Sandwich Dome by Drake's Brook and Sandwich Mtn trails. Cold and windy in spite of a late (10:30) start, but no bugs. On ridge it was definitely chilly, had lunch in the trees with fleece and shell plus hat. Went down with shell, hat and mittens until I was below 3,000 feet.

YES!! :) Sounds like my first ascent of Sandwich Dome...first cold day of September in 2005, about 35 degrees and spit of snow :D .

I for one am welcoming this break in our somewhat unusually hot and wet summer. But I see long range charts return us back to reality sometime next week. So enjoy the cool while it lasts!!! As for me, I'll have the window fan on at full blast tonight.