Giant and Rocky Peak Ridge, 3/23

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Feb 12, 2005
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Avatar is on Gannett Peak, Wyoming's high point.
Date of Hike: Sunday, March 23

Trail Conditions: Virtual highway up to Giant. Nice icy crust on top of everything that thankfully someone (Thank-you Pin-Pin;))
had crunched through yesterday. If the trail to Giant was a highway then the trail over to RPR was a long abandoned jeep road:D. Felt more like a bushwack with all the branches down and ice-encrusted trees laying over the trail. One particularly "sketchy" section on the Giant side (not the usual one, but further down) caused me a little delay (both down and back up!) but was eventually negotiated. Day started out at around 10 degrees which made the trails perfect for snowshoes. By the time I was on my way back down, the temps rose quite a bit and Giant was in the sun so the trails got a little sloppy.

Special Equipment Required: Snowshoes used all day. Crampons would have helped in a couple of places but the spots were so short, I opted not to swap out.

Comments: Another beautiful sunny day. I was surprised that I never saw another hiker!

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