Giant and Rocky Peak Ridge - August 17

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Apr 23, 2005
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Did these two as a through hike from Chapel Pond to Route 9 near Split Rock Falls. There is some major trail work being done by ATIS and ADK trail crews on the trail up to Giant from Chapel Pond- switchbacks and new stair cases are being installed, and the work completed so far looks great. There are also some great views of Chapel Pond, Round and Noonmark Mountains, and the rest of the High Peaks as you ascend via this trail.

The descent down from Giant towards Rocky Peak Ridge is rather steep but nothing to terrible, and the ascent back up to Rocky Peak is fairly gradual. In fact, the traverse from Giant to RPR wasn't nearly as bad as I expected it to be when I viewed it from Giant. The view from the summit of RPR is also far better than the view from Giant, as the summit is clearer providing a greater range of view.

I would have to say that the hike down RPR to the east is one of the most amazing trails I have ever been on. It's by far the best open ridge hiking experience I've seen in the Adirondacks- at times, it feels like you're someplace else like the Whites. As you descend, first from RPR to Bald Peak, then to Blueberry Cobbles, you're greeted with view after view of the Dixes, Lake Champlain, the Green Mountains, and RPR and Giant behind you. I would not be surprised in the least if you could see the Whites on a clear day. Lake Mary Louise is also a nice place to visit, home to one of the best tent sites I've seen in the ADKs as well. The trail is so rarely traveled that it is in very good condition as well, and blueberries and raspberries are numerous, especially on Bald Peak.

I would definately recomend hiking this trail from west to east, as you will expend much less effort than in making the climb in the opposite direction. Be prepared though for a long day- not only is it a long hike, but you will be constantly distracted by the views and (if they are in season) the berries. I even sat down to rest on Bald Peak and ended up falling asleep. I've been told that RPR is the best place in the ADKs to be during the height of leaf season, and after making this hike, I definately believe it.
You should try it in winter. The ridge is breathtaking with crystal clear blue skies over an unbroken white sheet of snow.